
Tactical Tailor Updating Site

Tactical Tailor has just launched a new, updated website to coincide with the official launch of the much anticipated Fight Light line. Look for more info on this line here soon.

As the new site populates the worldwide DNS system you may run across a “system down for maintenance” message but rest assured, by tomorrow you should be able to see the new look.

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2 Responses to “Tactical Tailor Updating Site”

  1. MoE says:

    Can’t say I like the new website. It looks nice, but isn’t very practical. The important things- product info and product photos are way too small. So you need to scroll down a whole lot to read through the product descriptions, in that tiny font size? Shouldn’t that be among the most highlighted page features? The photos are comparatively small, still like they used to be.

  2. somthingfunny says:

    I agree with the above ,looks good far better looking than the old one. However the large action pics detract from the product being sold IMO ,agree with fonts and scrolls