SIG SAUER - Never Settle

“How Much Did You Pay For Your MultiCam Knockoff?”


During a recent trip to Spain, Chief of Staff of the United States Army Ray Odierno discusses those outrageous MultiCam royalties and ways to get around them with Spanish Army General Jaime Dominguez Buj.


31 Responses to ““How Much Did You Pay For Your MultiCam Knockoff?””

  1. Whacker15 says:

    Do say! The USAF is listening……

    • AGL Bob says:

      The AF is working on a paisley based camo since the royalties charged by Vera Bradley will be considerably less.

      • SilverDragon says:

        Four players were invited to a poker sponsored by the Italian Army and three out of four players were Australian, British and German Army generals. The fourth player was an American Army Gen and later in the game, the German general mocked the American for his UCP camo uniform. The other three laughed at the American army general and the American army general’s response was to buy the multicam uniform on the Italian Army PX. He asked an enlisted Italian soldier if they had a multicam uniform set on sale and the Italian soldier couldn’t understand a word he was speaking. The Italian soldier said in Italian, what an idiot. Angry, the American general walked away to end up losing the poker later on and gave $70 as part of his bet.

  2. Notorious F.O.B says:

    ¡Ay caramba!

  3. bulldog76 says:

    its so sad its funny

  4. CAVstrong says:

    Is that Multicam Tropic

    • CAVstrong says:

      Disregard I didn’t read the “Knock-off” part of the title.

      • CAVstrong says:

        Although I like the look of (potential) Multicam Tropic.

        I’d like to see us adopt a Scorpion Tropic (Jungle OCP) and Scorpion Arid (Desert OCP) uniforms in conjunction wiht Scorpion W2 (Mountain OCP) PPE.

        • Kinetix says:

          That would be the sensible thing to do…so it will probably not be done.

          • Eddie says:

            I think Crye would have a serious issue with that.

            • Kinetix says:

              I agree, especially since the use of Scorpion, period, is questionable. However, it seems clear that what Crye wants or deserves are not really factors here.

              Personally, I think that Crye is getting screwed and it’s very wrong, however, getting our soldiers into decent, performance driven camo is of the upmost importance. They have dealt with UCP for far too long.

              I’m not, saying that justifies screwing Crye, because it doesn’t, but if that’s what’s going to happen, and it looks like it is, then they might as well get W2 based bookends to give our soldiers adequate protection in all theaters.

  5. Strike-Hold! says:


  6. Ipkiss says:

    Or ask the polish with their ‘Camogrom’.

    • badjujuu says:

      +1 lol

    • Toinou says:

      It’s called Suez, not “Camogrom”. And Suez was only ever used in the production of uniforms, as the rest of the gear has always been produced in MultiCam.

      By the way while quite an amount of uniforms were made in Suez (KAMA production mostly) and are still in use by the community, since 2012 Polish Special Forces have been issued MultiCam uniforms.

      Also the public tenders documents published earlier this year regarding the next set of uniforms for the Special Operations Command state that it is mandatory that the uniforms are to be produced in MultiCam.

      You should get your facts straight next time, pal.

      • Notorious F.O.B says:

        The quickest way to get the right answer on the internet, is to give the wrong answer

      • Ipkiss says:

        Thank you for the correction Toinou. I looked it up and as far as I can tell it is a pattern very much alike (or same), but licenced by Helikon-tex and used with the Polish forces.
        Nevertheless the term is widely used, although not officially correct.

        • Toinou says:

          Helikon’s “Camogrom” is the same pattern as “Suez”, indeed.

          When the Polish MoD asked for a similar pattern to MultiCam and KAMA came up with Suez, Helikon took the pattern and renamed it for marketing purposes (because a camo with GROM in its name has to be cool, right?).

          In fact, Suez and MultiCam are very much alike.

          I own a uniform in Suez from MIWO Military Lubliniec (they were offering both until 2014, but now only MultiCam is available) as well as load-bearing gear in MultiCam from the same company, and the only difference I can tell is that MultiCam has a more grey tone to it.

          Case in point (middle is a combat shirt in MultiCam from Polish company SPECOPS, left and right are uniforms in Suez):

          Anyway the main thing to remember here is that Polish Special Forces nowadays are only issued MultiCam… Something that can’t be said for the Polish Border Guard, as it was announced today that they would be getting a new camouflage pattern that is essentially MultiCam but with what it said to be Flecktarn colors.

  7. Reseremb says:

    Spanish Woodland & Arid were presented here as “pixelated camo”, but the resemblence to Multicam is obvious. Anyway, Woodland variation is working well in CAR.

  8. JDan6 says:

    Kryptek Mandrake all the way.

  9. COL REMF says:

    As people who have worked with the Spanish (and readers of Strike-Hold!) know, Spain has had the pixelated obviously MC-inspired uniforms for many years, and an arid version as well. Both long before MC bookend patterns. Perhaps the Spanish will litigate over the MC Tropic colorway (no hate replies please). Incidentally, General de Brigada Antolin is a very solid officer (I’ve never worked with the other dudes)

  10. 10thMountainMan says:

    Better question is how much am I willing to pay to get out of UCP? Sadly I think I could be strong-armed into forking over quite a bit.

  11. COL REMF says:

    I realize it was a joke. But it’s also sad the global power that is Spain is years ahead of US (or should I see “we” per a poster yesterday) in both acquisition of effective camouflage and theft of IP.

  12. FormerActionGuy says:

    Can’t wait for them to be in MCSS and you’ll have to write about something else.

  13. Eddie says:

    I get the feeling most people follow SSD for the camo debates. 😛

    • COL REMF says:

      If you were married to my wife you might say that SSD camo coverage is among the short list of things to live for.