
Stuff I Like – SplashMaps

During my recent visit to England for DSEI, I picked up a Wearable SplashMap of central London. It featured every street I needed, including what essentially were alleyways between major streets. Plus, it was easy to stuff in my pocket yet pull right out and use. No crazy map folding skills needed here.


Inspired by silk escape maps, Wearable Maps can be worn as a scarf or stuffed in a pocket. They won’t wrinkle and there’s no stretch. You can even write on them with Crayola washable markers and was the map clean later. They are printed on weatherproof, colorfast satin and are 72cm x 72cm. 

In addition to a wide variety of ready made cloth maps featuring popular international destinations, SplashMaps will custom make a map for you (Make-a-Map), using native digital sources such as Ordnance Survey, OpenStreetMap and US Geological Survey. Maps of the UK are generally 1:25 000 scale and international maps 1:40 000. You even get to pick the title. Naturally, they’ll do limited runs for events such as races or training as well.

11 Responses to “Stuff I Like – SplashMaps”

  1. R442 says:

    This is too cool.

  2. Joe says:

    cool, remember having to draw my own map on a piece of parachute silk with a ball point pen during SERE training.
    Crappiest map i ever had the pleasure of trusting.

    These however look awesome, sew one the pocket flap on the inside of a pair of pants = perfect E&E insurance.

    If i had to do SERE again i would have had one of these made and cheated like crazy, hehe..

    • SSD says:

      Good idea

    • R442 says:

      Depends. It’s a British company, so their international maps include us here in the U.S, which means we can only get small scale maps which cover a large area (1:40,000) and has little detail. SSD’s London example is their domestic product, large scale map at 1:25,000. Making one up for a SERE event in the U.S. Would be a very large map spanning the area of Dallas.

  3. JAlan says:

    Wonder if they make red-light readable versions.

  4. Damn you Eric. There goes some money I didn’t need to spend.

  5. T says:

    Lord knows you need a map in London… very cool product.

  6. David says:

    Thanks for the interest in our products today. We can do bespoke mapping for you as well as our standard types. Give us a go. Red light? We can experiment.
    If you’re ever in the UK check this for an ingenious WW2 map story…

  7. Bill says:

    Excellent – Crayolas are the only writing implements I’m allowed to have. But the markers aren’t edible. I know that now.