
Kayrank Launches New Website

It’s been years since we last mentioned Kayrank, a small Veteran owned business which offers their Helmet Rank System.

It consists of polymer plates, sized to fit a helmet NVG mount, which are engraved with military rank insignia. This subdued device can be worn placed in the mount during the day and removed and stored when NODs are worn.

When we first mentioned the Kayrank Helmet Rank System, readers had some interesting comments. They couldn’t fathom displaying rank on the helmet even though we did it for decades.

However, despite numerous negative comments here on SSD, they’ve managed to stay in business, and thrive. In fact, they recently updated their website.

Kayrank offers plates for US Army enlisted and officer ranks, SPC through BG (minus SGM). They’ve also introduced warrant officer ranks.


16 Responses to “Kayrank Launches New Website”

  1. AbnMedOps says:

    “Couldn’t fathom displaying”, you say? Hmm, they must be rank amateurs…

  2. Sloppy Joe says:

    “They’ve also introduced warrant officer ranks.” do warrants even wear helmets? The heaviest thing they carry is a cup of coffee.

  3. PNWTO says:

    I’m surprised that one, or all, of the services haven’t made this mandatory yet.

    Neat idea. I’m sure the readers with concerns have some fantasy beliefs that we all need to be slick and that the enemy simply can’t distinguish who’s who from simple observation… /s keyboards gonna keyboard

  4. Disco says:

    Oh boy! More POG shit for O1s and E4s to piss money away on!

    • CWG says:

      ….he said, 4-6 months before the 82nd makes it mandatory but still makes you cover it with that glow tape shit.

  5. Bill says:

    Warrant Officer rank would be awesome (if you could find them)

  6. d says:


  7. ThatBlueFalcon says:

    SSD, you mentioned that “They couldn’t fathom displaying rank on the helmet even though we did it for decades.”

    We stopped wearing rank on the helmet when we switched to using night vision, since rank and NVG mounts don’t coexist well. Simply because we did it doesn’t make it the right answer – we used to starch our uniforms for decades and we don’t now (well, for the most part… there are always a few window lickers in the SNCO/O ranks).

    This product is a solution in search of a problem. I read the comments on previous posts about link ups and identifying key leaders… From almost a decade in, working with units all across the Army and our sister services, that has never once been an issue. We have rank on our chests or collars for a reason. Yes, different services have different ways to display rank, but generally we expect leaders to be smarter than a rank square or call sign patch.

  8. miclo18d says:

    Oh God, no! Can you wear it with your power belt? What about garrison ranks with yellow, silver, and gold? So glad I’m retired! :Facepalm:

  9. miclo18d says:

    Oh God, no! Can you wear it with your power belt? What about garrison ranks with yellow, silver, and gold? So glad I’m retired!

  10. JKifer says:

    mouth breathers that take the time to comment in a negative way over stuff like this most likely have no business or experience in matters such as these and should refrain from opening that nasty pie hole.

  11. SSD says:

    It was a “triggered” test. Many failures.

  12. JBar says:

    I like it.

  13. Johnny says:

    I hate to rain on someone’s parade but this seems like a classic example of the “good idea fairy.” At no point have I ever noticed an actual need for this. I agree with the previously made remark that this is a solution in search of a problem.