
What’s Your Grail Gun?


While I don’t have one firearm that is on my all time, must have list, I’d say that the Stoner 63A is one I’d love to have.

The modular design is a feat of engineering, with an interesting list of users.

What’s your grail gun?

56 Responses to “What’s Your Grail Gun?”

  1. Hsein Chen says:

    Steyr ACR

  2. Shozo says:

    HK P7

  3. mark says:

    My personal grail gun would be the Ultimax 100.

    All the videos I’ve seen of it make it look like a ton of fun.

  4. Pro Patria says:

    The Winter Swattriplex prototypes.

  5. b_rawrd says:


  6. Adam Lyon says:

    HK21E w/ scope
    H&H 475NE
    A-Square 458Lott

  7. Jeff says:

    FN FNC
    I will probably never see one outside of the movie Heat.

  8. ThatBlueFalcon says:

    Ultimax 100 or an AS VAL.

  9. Big_Juju says:

    Magpul Masada.

  10. Marcus says:

    Carl Gustav KGm/37.

    21 pounds of 6.5×55 Swedish Mauser goodness with 500 RPM and an effective range over 1,300 meters.

  11. Snakeman says:

    Another vote for the FN FNC. I balked when they were #2800.00 a few years ago on GB. Today, sellers are wanting $4500.00 and some more than that.

  12. TheFull9 says:

    Frankly I’d just really love to see a video of someone who has access to all the various conversion kits etc for the 63. I’ve handled a couple of variants since they have them in the NFC at Leeds and often seen the modularity mentioned and heard talk of all he myriad ways you can set the gun up, but I think I’ve only ever (maybe) once seen any of the different configuration changes demo’d on video.

    To shoot I’d say any FG-42 would be my grail; I’ve fired every other weapon that’s truly iconic of WW2 (to my mind) but not the FG.

  13. ArcherIXI says:

    I would loooove to get my hands on a Gepard GM6 Lynx. It’s a .50BMG that is mechanically fascinating.

  14. tangloppen says:

    AS VAL for sure.
    Or a VKS, with a ton of ammo.
    Or a PSG-1.
    The list is looong.

  15. SGT Rock says:

    A phased plasma rifle in the 40 watt range.

  16. JM Gavin says:

    ATK GAU-23/A and an HHL-16.

  17. SVGC says:

    I’ve always loved this picture of Woody Harrelson with a Stoner.

  18. Bert says:

    Detachable mag fed c96 with a bevy of spare parts to bubba. I’ve got ideas, see.

  19. Hubb says:

    Armat M41A Pulse Rifle with U1 Grenade Launcher. I will settle for a M3 Greasegun with an OSS suppressor though.

  20. Matthew Levi says:

    HK G-11…

    End discussion.

  21. Wags says:

    Walther WA2000

  22. Chris B. says:

    GAU-19/A firing MK211 Raufoss rounds

  23. Jim C says:

    LeMat Revolver – 9 shots of .42 cal and 20 gauge under barrel… can’t imagine why they stopped using them after 1865…. wait – is it because that qualifies it as an assault pistol?

  24. Ross says:

    SAN SWISS SIG 553.

    • G1E says:

      Swiss Sig 510-1 for myself… first weapon I was ever exposed to. It would be nice to have extra chamber inserts (interchangeable locking reseses), and lots of 7.5X55 cartridges in the different varieties.

    • Stacy0311 says:

      I was thinking the SIG AMT or SG 510.

      It’s hard enough to find a non AR modern sporting rifle at a decent price anymore, so I might as well dream big

  25. Matt says:

    I hate to be a douche, but I’m happy with what I have.


  26. Tounushi says:

    Lahti AL-43 or the Johnson Autocarbine.

  27. Darksoul Design says:

    Cheytac M200 Intervention, The first time i saw one on “Future Weapons”, that was it, and some 10+ years later, i managed to get one. Makes 1000 yard shots warm ups, 2000 yards isn’t too difficult with it.

  28. Chalky says:

    I learn something new from this website everyday. For instance, look at the soldier holding that Stoner 63A… see I had no idea Woody Harrelson was A Navy SEAL in Vietnam.

    Who would have guessed!

  29. CapnTroy says:

    HK11 and Goncz GS-4

  30. GD442 says:

    That stoner LMG weapons platform. A weapon system that made sense that’s why the military didn’t adopt it.

  31. Adamn says:

    Magpul PDR (I know, I know).

  32. Bob says:

    Mateba 2006M

  33. C. Myngs says:

    I would have to go with the fowler that Captain Parker carried at Lexington Green. Wouldn’t want to own it; no one should. But I’d like to hold it one time.

  34. Stefan S. says:

    WW2 Thompson M1a1.

  35. George says:

    British Welrod
    Singer 1911A1
    North American 1911
    1 or 2 digit Colt SAA
    45acp Luger
    S&W Registered Magnum

    Luckily I have one of the above. ?

  36. Attack7 says:

    M202 Flash!!! LOL Shot everything else at people during deployments, but never shoulder launched white phos rounds!

  37. miclo18d says:

    Strumgewer 44

    The original black rifle…

  38. Xiao says:

    Mauser C96 Hanyang / Taiyuan
    Magpul FMG9

  39. maresdesign says:

    1st Model FG-42