
Posts Tagged ‘Violent Little Machine Shop’

Violent Little Machine Shop – Every State in Thin Blue Line Patch Series

Wednesday, November 23rd, 2016

Violent Little Machine Shop took Thin Blue Line morale patches to the next level, and created a Thin Blue Line patch for every one of the 50 states that make up the USA. Vermont? Check. Delaware? Absolutely. Hawaii? You bettcha! All US states, Alabama through Wyoming, are fully represented in this patch set in glorious PVC, Velcro-backed, either 3″ tall or 3″ wide. The initial order consisted of 7800 individual patches, so there’s plenty to go around.


To drive the point home, here’s SSD’s current state of headquarters: Virginia. You can get your state of residence direct from VLMS, or if you’re feeling particularly supportive you can buy a set consisting of all 50 patches. $50 of each set sold will be donated to The Fraternal Order of Police – Treasure Valley to help support the recovery of two local officers, one in critical condition, and a K9 that were shot in VLMS’ home state of Idaho on November 11th.

Violent Little Machine Shop – “Mom, The Meatloaf” Patch Set

Friday, October 21st, 2016

Available now. In case you don’t get the reference, go watch “The Wedding Crashers”.

Little Bag Of Violence Subscriptions Now Open

Thursday, September 29th, 2016

Violent Little Machine Shop just opened up subscriptions for October’s Little Bag of Violence. Only 100 new subscriptions are available this month. This upcoming month’s box is killer, it’s “Hell In A Hand Basket”. They tell me this new shirt is their favorite that they’ve ever done.

In case you were wondering about the contests of the bag, this link will detail what was in September’s bag seen above.

Still $30 with Free US Shipping.

Violent Little Machine Shop – Flammenwerfer T-Shirt

Friday, September 2nd, 2016

Several of my friends asked me where I got my cool Flammenwerfer T-shirt. When I replied that it came in my last Little Box of Violence they were dejected to a man, because they weren’t subscribers. Lucky for them, VLMS has decided to offer it to the masses.

Light ’em up!

Violent Little Machine Shop – Introducing the new Little Bag of Violence

Wednesday, August 31st, 2016

I enjoyed VLMS’s Little Box of Violence for several months, but it is no more. The Little Box of Violence is Dead, long live the Little Bag of Violence!

Dear People of Violence,

The Little Box of Violence just got a whole lot more affordable! Its now $30.00 with Free US Shipping! We’re renaming it to the Little BAG of Violence since its now in a bag to save on weight so it doesn’t have to go Priority anymore. The first BAG will ship on September 12th…and its a beaut if you like the seedy underbelly of Vietnam…and also hate people that park like assholes (ok, no more hints). We’ve refined the offering to give the majority of you what you liked best, exclusive, limited edition patches and shirts…with a twist of bullshit. We cut out all the bullshit people didn’t want. Only about 50 new signups available!

Exclusive Shirt + Exclusive Patch + Small Mystery Item = $30 with FREE SHIPPING!

September’s Theme: Me Love You Long Time

The new bag features a limited edition and exclusive-to-bag-subscribers T-shirt & Patch, plus a mystery item that will most likely get you arrested, or heavily fined for using it (but not illegal to possess).

Email us at if you have any questions about the new program.


–Violent Little

How It Works:
Bills you $30.00 on the 1st of every month.
Bags will ship around the 10th of each month.

Cancel anytime prior to the 1st of every month, no bullshit, super easy.
Guarantee: Send your shit back for a refund if you don’t like it.

Current subscribers to the Little Box of Violence needn’t do anything, you will be switched to the lower plan automatically. ONLY ABOUT 50 NEW SUBSCRIPTIONS AVAILABLE.

New Violent Little Patch: Pieces of Flair

Saturday, August 13th, 2016

Violent Little Machine Shop takes it up a notch with what may be the most controversial pro-2A morale patch ever.

The Pieces of Flair morale patch by Violent Little Machine Shop

The ultimate symbol of persecution. If you feel like us, with the laws, the lists, the registrations, the public shaming -making us to feel as if we’re somehow in the wrong for exercising our rights and wanting to be able to protect ourselves, our families, and our country. These people have forgotten their history. Let this symbol remind them, abruptly, that we’re not far off from reliving the atrocities of the past. (more…)

The VA Life – A New Comicbook – Launches at SHOT Show

Friday, January 15th, 2016


That VA Life is a brand new, humorous, comic book drawn series drawn by Joshua Johnson, and written by Thirty Seconds Out and Violent Little Machine Shop. Join Bosco as he navigates life outside of the military…or will he just give up and go “back in”. Will the VA, proven to be a formidable foe of administrative labyrinths, best our hero as he tries to square himself away…or will our hero triumph against this faceless organization of nonsensical nonsense?


Join the crew at Shot Show from 2:00PM – 5:00PM on Wednesday, January 20th at S&S Precision’s booth (#8206) to get a signed issue, shoot the shit, and drink some FREE BEER. All proceeds will be donated to a charity…we haven’t picked which one yet.


Available now from:

Violent Little Machine Shop Is Now The Official Manufacturer/Distributor Of S&S Precision Patches

Sunday, October 18th, 2015


Violent Little Machine Shop is now the official distributor/manufacturer of all of S&S Precision’s patches, which are now available on the Violent Little website. To mark the occasion, VLMS also did a new Thermo Hot Sauce patch, based on the S&S Thermo Shirt.

VLMS x S&S 2 – S&S Precision