TYR Tactical

Aware Defense

During AUSA, Gentex introduced me to Aware Defense, a company which specializes in auditory defense, or hearing protection.

They demonstrated a patented, precision measuring device called eFIT, which scans the ear to create a model for perfect fit ear plugs and comms devices. Unlike foamies which only work properly about 7% of the time, these inserts protect hearing and don’t fall out, even during physical activity.

Noise-Induced Hearing Loss (NIHL) and tinnitus rank as the top two causes of disability claims among Veterans with over 50% of close combat personnel suffering from some form of hearing loss.

Aware not only offers simple ear plugs but they also have inserts with hearing augmentation and integration with communications systems as well as the inclusion of biometric sensors. Once a model of the ear has been scanned it is available to produce any number of ear inserts. Aware works with other vendors to integrate their custom-shaped ear plugs so if a unit changes systems, there’s no need to make a new measurement. The existing record is used.

Aware has multiple products available but the two most interesting off our use are the EarShield (preserves essential hearing levels) and EarDefender (also available in vented).

Aware can visit units with the eFIT scanner to take measurements or lease it to a unit or installation.


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