Protact by Haartz

Calling All Active Duty 1st AD Females

The 1st Armored Division is conducting a field hygiene and urogenital study.

If you wish to participate, contact the POC on the image.

4 Responses to “Calling All Active Duty 1st AD Females”

  1. PB says:

    Important study, but they need to actually do a study, not just do a 1 hour questionnaire and education program. Setup month long field exercises in a variety of climates (e.g. southern Florida in the summer, dry south west desert, temperate areas, and in a cold climate. Water should be limited to drinking or to dampen a rag for cleaning pits and crotch. Slit trenches for latrine use. Sleep accommodations limited to ranger graves. These conditions would be meant to simulate an actual combat environment for combat arms.

    Study should be completed with both males and females of equal quantities. Data from the studies should be used to affect policy.

    • Will says:

      You’re absolutely correct. That won’t happen because it could produce data that conflicts with current policy.

  2. Seamus says:

    Likewise if they actually want to eval for hygiene then they would need to perform urinalysis testing for evaluations for UTIs or genital infections. Again for both sexes to keep it equal. Could really inform on quantity and type of antibiotics needed to be stocked by medical units and help inform DNBI rate calculations.

  3. the dude says:

    I volunteer for genital inspection day. While Kamala is still running the show for a little longer, dudes can still apply right?