RAAM GSS from Wilcox Ind

Shop At Crazy Fanboys

Last month, ADS, Inc held a garage sale. Even though the warehouse looked like it had been struck by a cyclone, at the end of the sale there was still a lot of really great kit left. Tactical Fanboy approached Tactical Distributors to purchase the best of what was left and hold a special liquidation sale for his readers. He went through the gear and picked out some great offerings that will appeal to users and collectors alike. Almost nothing is in UCP but rather Coyote and Tan. Additionally, with the exception of a couple of clothing items, everything is Berry compliant. Head on over and check it out. This is a one time good deal. Some of these products will never be available again, anywhere. With deals like these, he’s got to be crazy.


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6 Responses to “Shop At Crazy Fanboys”

  1. […] Originally posted on Soldier Systems Daily. […]

  2. Shaun says:

    Great advert, widh they shipped to the UK

  3. Ty says:

    Doesn’t look like much of a break price wise. For a blowout sale, I would of expected lower prices. Very disappointing.

  4. tfb says:


    I am surprised at your disappointment. I hand selected these products for their rarity and quality. The prices we set were based on current market prices. I personally went out on the web and looked for these items or equivalent and set prices below prevailing rates. Additionally, with one or two exceptions these products are Berry compliant and or no longer manufactured. At the rate they are already flying off the shelves, I’d say the prices are more than fair.


  5. Jack says:

    Half off a Smartwool baselayer? I’m so disappointed I’m ordering right now! Thanks for the heads up!

  6. Jack says:

    Out of stock. I waited a moment too long. Now I really am disappointed!