SIG SAUER - Never Settle

Operation Salsa Drop

The owner’s of Wilmingon, North Carolina’s Flaming Amy’s Burrito Barn and Flaming Amy’s Bowl, Jay and Amy Muxworthy recently began sellng shelf-stable versions of their salsas so that they could offer them to troops deployed to Afghanistan and Iraq free of charge.

From their website:

The inspiration for Operation Salsa Drop came through social networking. Flaming Amy’s Facebook page has over 7,000 “fans” from all over the globe. On April 17th 2010, we received a followup comment on a post we had made about our salsas. Army private Justin Young, who was serving at Bagram Airfield in Afghanistan, jokingly asked if we could ship some salsa to him. We told him that if we could figure out a way to get it there, we would happily ship him enough to feed an Army. And so Operation Salsa Drop began.

OSD has three varieties of salsa to choose from:
“Fire in the Hole!” – Flaming Hot Salsa
“Shock ‘N’ Awesome” – Pineapple Jalapeno Salsa
“TARFU” – Traditional Tomato

All three salsas are packaged in 12oz glass jars and are being sold for $4.50 each. All proceeds from the retail sales go towards production and distribution of these same salsas to the boots on the ground in Afghanistan and Iraq. Our goal is to ship one jar to a soldier for every jar sold! or on Facebook

One Response to “Operation Salsa Drop”

  1. Armando says: