SIG SAUER - Never Settle

US Patriot to Donate Memorial Day Profits to WWP

Every Memorial Day, I have found it disheartening that most Americans have lost sight of what Memorial Day is truly about. Memorial Day is about our heroes throughout the history of the United States who have made the ultimate sacrifice in the name of freedom here and overseas.

As such, this Memorial Day, US Patriot will be donating 100% of profits from sales on Monday May 30th to the Wounded Warrior Project. This includes all sales on,, and in-store retail sales at our stores located by Fort Stewart GA and Fort Jackson SC.

This begins on midnight of Sunday May 29th and ends midnight of Memorial Day May 30th.


One Response to “US Patriot to Donate Memorial Day Profits to WWP”

  1. Strike-Hold! says:

    Nice one. Kudos to US Patriot. Let’s see Wall Street and the banks do the same.