SIG SAUER - Never Settle


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The Danish documentary, “Armadillo” is now available for viewing on the PBS website. If you haven’t heard of it, here is a brief description.

In 2009, Janus Metz and cameraman Lars Skree accompanied a platoon of Danish soldiers to Armadillo, a combat operations base in southern Afghanistan. For six months, often while under fire, they captured the lives of the young soldiers fighting the Taliban in a hostile and confusing environment, where official rhetoric about helping civilians too often met the unforgiving reality of being a foreign occupier. Winner of the Critics’ Week Grand Prix at Cannes, Armadillo is one of the most dramatic and candid accounts of combat to come out of Afghanistan.

In addition to the full length documentary, PBS offers some additional content including an interview with the filmmaker. You’d better hurry, it’s only available until September 29th.


6 Responses to “Armadillo”

  1. Odie says:

    I saw this documentary a few months ago and it is a very compelling account of soldiers from a country different from my own and how they are treated by their country. A must watch for those who enjoy this type of thing.

  2. I see what you mean but... says:

    And please, if you are the type that doesn’t want to see PBS funded then don’t watch it on their website.

  3. Eric says:

    That was the name of it! I saw it the other night on PBS. It was very interesting.

  4. Mufasa says:

    To “I see what you mean but…”,
    What grievance do you have with PBS? It is one of the last few channels on public television with content worth watching, including documentaries such as this one, as well as other forms of investigative journalism.

    I saw Armadillo last year. It is a very real portrayal of modern warfare, with all the sweat, stress, waiting, sudden contact, and carcasses included. Highly recommended.

  5. straps says:

    Mufasa, I’m inclined to believe that ISWYMb is criticizing the kneejerk reaction that some have to that network, and its role as an alternative to the Murdoch/Ailes cheer squad.

    Seen peices of Armadillo twice, looks like they got distribution (the main reason it was so hard to find for a long time). The last copy from the “Wally World of the Web” is on its way to me, but more are expected. Worthy addition to the “current ops” library…

  6. I see what you mean but... says:

    Straps is correct. I might not like everything on PBS, but at least it’s there for me to choose not to watch.