FirstSpear TV

SKD Offers 9/11 Anniversary 10% Discount

SKD Tactical is offering a 10% discount on the 10th anniversary of 9/11 from now until 23:59 (CST) on 9/11 Enter “NEVERFORGET” at checkout.

Never Forget


3 Responses to “SKD Offers 9/11 Anniversary 10% Discount”

  1. Mike D says:

    I will never do business with SKD Tactical again. Using September 11th as a vehicle for a discount sale is revolting to my thinking.

  2. SKD says:


    I’m truly sorry you were offended. While we can understand the sentiment, this wasn’t a celebratory undertaking on our part, just as a Memorial Day or Veterans Day event doesn’t make light of the sacrifice those days honor. I spent a good deal of time working at ground zero, and like most Americans 9/11 changed my life forever. We have never offered a discount previously on 9/11 and decided this would be the only 9/11 discount we would ever offer in an effort to reinforce the message on this 10 year anniversary- NEVER FORGET. Please do not mistake this as a financial decision on our part- we can offer discounts at any time, and opted to pass on Labor Day to hold this promotion to help convey what we feel is a message that has dwindled with each passing year. Please feel free to contact us at with any comments.

  3. Mitch says:

    As I sit here in Afghanistan and ponder the events that led me to this place 10 years after the cowardly murder of so many, I appreciate the support and excellent customer service that SKD has shown. One of my favorite pieces of gear for this deployment, a VTAC BROKOS belt, was purchased from SKD. Thank you, guys!