GORE-TEX Defense Fabrics’ All Weather Integrated Clothing System

Now THAT’S a Heavy Drop

This isn’t the first airborne operation for the BMD-2. It was successfully dropped in 2003. The story here is that the BMD-2 airborne infantry combat vehicle was manned during this airborne operation conducted 25 March, 2010 in the Pskov Region. The troops are members of the Russian VDV, assigned to the 76th Guards Airborne Division.


21 Responses to “Now THAT’S a Heavy Drop”

  1. Matt says:


  2. Jack says:

    it would have been a better video if the parachute releases would have released during extraction phase for an epic fail

  3. Jed Eckert says:

    I second that! WOLVERINES!!! When the Soviets, Cubans and Nicaraguans invade the United States in passenger jets, which vehicle is going to save you and your friends? A red-blooded American 1978 Chevrolet K10 Cheyenne!! Not some BMP or BTR Soviet crap!!

  4. B_A says:

    Am I seeing it right?
    Is there a soldier next to the landing spot?!

  5. DAn says:

    the Russians have been doing that for quite some time http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VjZl-badn38

  6. Administrator says:

    Doing what? Jumping out of airplanes? Yes, they’ve been doing it longer than the US has. I’m not quite sure what your point was?

    ~ Me

  7. DAn says:

    no air drooping BMP”s and other IFV type vehicles.

  8. Doug says:

    Not only have they airdropped vehicles (as have many others), but this isn’t the first time they’ve dropped them manned. The old retro-rocket-equipped drop pallet was designed to allow manned airdrops; but I think they had a lot of injuries and quit doing it.

  9. Riceball says:

    Man those BMD’s are small. I’d hate to be crammed inside of those things on a long road march; I can’t imagine that it would be all that much better during an air drop, not a whole lot of overhead inside.

  10. Lawrence says:

    I wouldn’t have wanted to be in that thing when they dropped it…..

  11. broken says:

    how’s the back Ivan?

  12. straps says:

    @B_A I would be willing to bet that it was the gunner or driver jumping from his hatch to bust tiedowns–also, how else to check canopy? Hell, maybe there’s a control toggle?

    No idea if those guys had chutes, or if it would even be practical to try and unass the vehicle in the event of a mishap. Back when I was in Fulda monitoring a now-nonexistent place called East Germany, we were told to expect two crunchies (gunner and driver) if we observed a rocket-equipped pallet land.

    I did see a video with Bradley Cooper using main gun recoil to maneuver during descent–who knows maybe that’s a US M2 thing, or because the vehicle is actually named after him and he’s just that damned skilled with it. Anyhoo, I don’t imagine those Russian dudes could do stuff like that over an active DZ.

  13. douche says:

    fuck off russia with your PR stunt, good luck doing that in a real situation, rapidly and effectively.

  14. I see what you mean but... says:

    It seems that it once again falls upon me to be the stooped police. This article doesn’t say that this is the first time the Russians have airdropped vehicles. It does however sem to say this is the first time this vehicle was airdropped with guys in it. You guys are some non-English reading motherfuckers.

  15. Administrator says:

    You, the comment above me…you don’t need to be the “stooped police.” Generally, they self identify. However, you do bring up a point.

    Please read the article guys before you comment. They Army did a great job of teaching me to write on a 8th grade level and I do endeavor keep it simple and straight forward.

    If I ever sound coy, it’s because I am making a point to certain people who know which lines to read between. This isn’t such a case.

    Bottom Line: Russians conduct first live airdrop of manned BMD-2. NOT first heavy drop, NOT first manned heavy drop, but first manned airdrop of BMD-2. Any questions?

  16. Mike D says:

    Oh, Ivan, you so krazy…

  17. Buckaroomedic says:

    Got a good health plan/disability coverage I hope? I’ve ridden around in an old BMD, nearly rattled my teeth out. Could not imagine being in one during an air drop. Those Russian troops must have been heavily sedated.

  18. m5 says:

    In a way it actually helps that the vehicle is small. I haven’t had a ride in a BMD, but quite a few in BMP-2. BMP is bigger, but seriously cramped compared to Western vehicles. So cramped that there’s no room to bounce around and hurt yourself when squeezed securely into place, helmet jammed against the roof. And I’m just of average size.

    Just watch that you don’t break your teeth with the muzzle of your rifle when the tin goes bouncing off-road at speed (folding stock really is a good idea, btw). If you’re seated next to the turret bin, do mind your arm. There’s a plate to stop you from doing so, but it doesn’t quite cover the risk: If you misplace your arm within the turret bin, it’ll be broken off when the turret turns.

    Ok, sitting squeezed makes getting out fast a training challange. And you couldn’t wear our issue belt-based LBV whilst inside, a chest rig really would have been a lot better. Heck, even full thigh pockets were a discomfort. Of course, no way you could take your backpack with you. Ammo boxes and water canisters on the floor are bad enough.

    But the BMP is kind of ok. In comparision, riding an old BTR-60PB is scary. This is also cramped, but now there’s enough room to bounce around, and the interior is full of whatever things sticking out to hurt yourself on. And, getting out… no backdoors, only deck hatches, uh. Quite a trap, and runs on gasoline (will burn as a torch, I’d guess). Very good cross-country mobility for an APC though…

    And yes, there’s at least one western military that runs BMP-2’s, and had some BTR-60’s still into the 90’s.

  19. Riceball says:

    After reading M5’s comments, it makes me wonder, how long does it take for troops to get out of a Russian AFV/APC after a long road march? After just an hour of sitting in traffic in my car I’m pretty stiff getting out, I can’t imaging being stuffed in the back of a BMP/BTR/BMD like a sardine with a bunch of other guys, next to no headroom, on hard seat, butt cheek to butt cheek with the guy(s) next to you. I’d think that it would be pretty hard to get out because your muscles would be stiff and cramped and once out you’d need a few seconds to stretch before you can actually move, much less run.

  20. suhsjake says:

    From what I understand and pictures I have seen from the 2008 Georgian conflict, the average Joeski tends to ride outside the vehicle on the back for long road marches then dismount for combat, even though it is found upon by higher ups.

  21. Riceball says:

    @suhsjake That makes sense, who’d want to be buttoned up inside one of those tin cans on a long road march. Sounds kind of like how the troops used to ride on the outside of M113’s in Vietnam because they filled the insides with sandbags to protect themselves from mines. I’m sure that the brass frowned upon that but troops will do whatever they can to protect themselves and/or keep comfortable.