GORE-TEX Military Fabrics

The Iditarod Project

Two Army veterans decided to come up with a unique way to support the Wounded Warrior Project. They’re going to make the famous Iditarod trek, a perilous 1,100 mile journey via dog sled from the Knik/Big Lake area of Alaska to Nome. But, Mike Pilotte and John Miller are used to danger. Both are veterans of Operation Iraqi Freedom and currently serve as proud members of A Troop 1-82 Cavalry, 41st IBCT, Oregon Army National Guard. Their adventure begins in March 2012, when you’ll be able to track their progress via GPS. Until then, donate to the Wounded Warrior Project.

Website: www.theiditarodproject.com
Facebook: www.facebook.com/TheIditarodProject
Donations page: wwpproudsupporter.kintera.org

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