
ParaCord Wrist Bands from Specialized Tactical Systems

Hand made by an active duty NY State SWAT Operator, Specialized Tactical Systems’ new “Survival Wrist Band” is made for the manliest among us. These “Wrist Bands” provide a manly man with 7-10 feet of paracord (depending on size) and are woven with a time consuming basket or jacobs weave. As you can see, it is wider than mere paracord bracelets on the market and provides for a more comfortable wear. According to STS, “This paracord can be used to climb tall trees, restrain naughty people (restraint of family members is not encouraged) , or tie things to other things.” Good stuff.

Available in Black, OD, MultiCam and UCP, the ParaCord Wrist Band can be further customized with the addition of an American flag or a Trident.


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