
German Morale Patches

US troops aren’t the only ones with a sense of humor.


This is from the Thursday issue of the Süddeutsche Zeitung Magazin.

5 Responses to “German Morale Patches”

  1. MannyF says:

    I thought Germans were known for not having much of a sense of humor. At least that’s how the few Germans I know are. I wonder if any of it is a result of American morale patches.

    • SteveS says:

      Germans DO have a sence of humor, but most German jokes don’t translate well at all.

  2. Tim says:

    “laughing to counter the fear, the self made patches of the german soldiers in Afghanistan.”

    That certainly takes the humor out if it..

  3. someone german says:

    Schnuggelsche ironically means smth like “sweety, or smth sweet” and may refer to chancellor Merkel

    “Hör ich da ein leises Mama” refers to some little Kid which is scared an whispering for his mother to come. Plus the box of tempos for the tears of course.

    😉 really hard to translate, but we do have some sence of humor. just get to know some more germans 😉

  4. UlfBjorn says:

    My German friends are pretty friggin hilarious, though in an odd way. I agree there are translation issues, the rest is just cultural.