RAAM GSS from Wilcox Ind

Support Battling Bare


Battling Bare. Comprised of a different sort of warrior, helping husbands heal from PTSD. They use tasteful, moving pictures to get their message across. Consider supporting them and please: if you comment, keep it tasteful. To do otherwise is to heap insult on top of injury, and frankly is missing the point altogether. These ladies are bringing an entirely different perspective to combat related PTSD; they’re without a doubt worthy of your support.

Broken by battle…
Wounded by war…
My love is FOREVER–to you this I SWORE.
Quiet your silent screams…
Help heal your shattered soul…
Until once again, my love…
Battle bare.






















You can support Battling Bare by LIKING their Facebook page, or going to their website (once it’s finished). You can also read more below.


More about “Battle Bare” (from their Facebook page)

NO MORE will we be the “silent support” on the homefront… our soldiers DESERVE the right to be healed and whole! Help combat PTSD!

Unite women and children who love a soldier dealing with PTSD by providing comfort in knowing they are not alone, a pathway of speaking out and battling back against the struggles they have faced with their soldier, along with offering support and encouragement so those women will continue walking the path of healing with their soldier.
In the process of empowering and encouraging these women and children, we will raise awareness of the signs and symptoms of PTSD while combating the stigma associated with this condition by increasing understanding of PTSD allowing for veteran suicide rates to decrease as the willingness to seek help and healing increases.

Company Overview

Battling Bare–a private organization, currently seeking non-profit status, in it’s beginning stages–may challenge the status quo in what is acceptable and appropriate for a woman to do/behave. I ask that you stop for a moment and hear me out… my husband battles daily with his demons of war. These unseen wounds of Soldiers all over the world, have the names depression, anxiety, night terrors, PTSD, and others. I, and wives like me, have tried everything we know to try to help.

Currently stationed at Fort Campbell–home to the highest suicide rate in the Army– we’ve suffered the loss of 30 plus soldiers to suicide in the past few months. To state that soldiers are “dropping like flies” is no exaggeration…a few were husbands of dear friends and my heart is breaking as I try to help them cope. Grief from a traumatic loss such as suicide is truly an animal of its own breeding.

I ask for your help and support via prayer or taking part in battling back. The photo, just as the emotion it visualizes is raw–my heart breaks and soul bleeds for the pain of each and every soldier–I hope that the power of this photo inspires more “silent supporters” to “battle back”.

Searching actively for a way to answer when asked “what can we do, we are just the wives?”, the idea for Battling Bare hit me in about 45seconds one night…let’s start with powerful, eye catching pictures and let our voices be heard. The purpose is to create an outlet for wives that are at their wits end trying to help their husbands heal…women who feel all alone in their struggle. Let us unite to
raise awareness, battle back for healing, create hope and take away the feeling of being alone.

Then came the pledge:

Broken by battle…
Wounded by war…
My love is FOREVER–to you this I SWORE.
Quiet your silent screams…
Help heal your shattered soul…
Until once again, my love…
Battle bare.

The Battle begins…Please TAKE THE PLEDGE and join me in battling bare!

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11 Responses to “Support Battling Bare”

  1. BradTFA308 says:

    good work, good luck, good mission.

  2. Ken says:

    Thank you.

  3. Tim Thomas says:

    Admirable to try and help the women, who are commited to helping their husbands recover from all the aspectss of war…

    Unfortunately, demons do not submit to our activity no matter how genuine or gracious, they will only submit when shaken with a far superior force, greater than themselves…

    For those who desire to undersatnd more completely, how to enjoy the freedom from those demons, you may want to contact.

    Dr. Neil Anderson.

    • Beth Warner says:

      The entire point is to stand by our soldiers to give them the strength to seek the help they need. Not only is PTSD bad but the common attitude toward acknowledgement and treatment is in conflict… sometimes for years. Support is all we can give as wives, sisters, friends but often enough to make the difference. Where is Dr Neil Anderson and how do we reach him?
      Thanks for the info!

      • Tim Thomas says:

        You are not alone… I can with all my heart understand your hope and desire to rescue those loved ones oppressed by the recuring thought of war, and the delema they bring on…

        Always feeling alone, not wanting to share the emotions, or fears, and the slow withdrawl into that secret cave, where we can escape for just a little while from the adversaries, that never seem to be kept at bay by anything available to mankind…

        I know that, I am alive today because of that study, and more than that…

        You can reach Dr. Anderson at http://www.ficm.org

        May God Almighty secure your future, and hope through Jesus Christ !


  4. Angel Arnold says:

    Thank You!!!! I am trying to understand my husbands PTSD and its SO hard. He doesn’t talk to me about it. SO glad there is a group I can go to! I live the pictures…to bad you aren’t in Fort Worth…I would love to participate to get the message out in this unique way. Thank You for what you are doing

    • Beth Warner says:

      Reach out to Battling Bare. No matter where you live the internet creates a bridge. I am at Fort Lewis and I am promoting is up here. Together we can help each other because watching the man you love in pain is hard and the rest of the world doesnt understand.

      • Corinne says:

        Hi Angel,

        I’m a journalist with the Ranger newspapers at here at JBLM. I plan on interviewing Ashley soon and am looking for wives locally to interview as well. If you’re still at JBLM I’d love to interview you or anyone else you may know up here that supports this effort. would you be interested? Let me know and we can swap info.

  5. ODG says:

    Great work ladies, keep it up.

  6. cami says:

    Good Job Beth. I’m glad your making an outlet for these wives. with them able to get support I am sure you will save lives. And if they feel like we know where they are coming from then maybe just maybe then will open up! I hope to see this organization world wide!!

  7. Kymmie Loss says:

    My Daddy was a Vietnam Vet and suffered from PTSD~I raise my glass and say THANK YOU for bringing awareness to the world~no one should suffer alone or silently and I truly can say from my heart “Thank You~your heart is beautiful for starting this support system for the people back home trying to help. I dealt with PTSD over 15/20 years ago when no one knew what I was speaking of when I told them my Dad had it~Now we have a whole new generation coming home and no understanding of the effects of PTSD~the long term effects that not only effect the soldier but the families trying to understand. I will be an supporter in this (as I have for years) and again I said it already but will say it again…..THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU……and <3 <3 <3 Have a beautiful blessed day and I will be keeping up with the updates!