GORE-TEX Defense Fabrics’ All Weather Integrated Clothing System

Mondo Patch Panels from OC Tactical

You can never have too many morale patches floating around but the problem is, what do you do with them when you’re not sporting them on your latest cool guy super ninja uniform? Put ’em to work for you on OC Tactical’s Mondo Patch Panel.


Previously, OC Tactical had released a Grande Patch Panel but its 18″ x 24″ wasn’t big enough for some so he created the Mondo version which is a whopping 24″ x 36″.


Consisting of a large pile (loop) field, it will accept hook backed morale patches. The edges are bound and OC Tactical has set grommets into the corners and evenly spaced along the edges for mounting purposes. The Mondo Patch Panel is currently available in both MultiCam and Coyote 498.


10 Responses to “Mondo Patch Panels from OC Tactical”

  1. CapnTroy says:

    Looks like another quality product from OC Tactical, one of the best stitchers around…

    • Jones Tactical says:

      You know it, as always. OC has been making good stuff for a while now. Keep up the good work Mike.

  2. Brian says:

    I sew and Mike from OC tactical is my GURU!!! His sewing is beyond an art! He makes his stitches and work look like it was done by a computer drone sewing machine. you will never see nicer work on this planet!!! I hope he still has my Velcro board on order!!!

  3. Chris says:

    This concept was borrowed from an Original SOE piece originally brought to market roughly 20 years ago. The lack of originality is stunning.

    • OCTactical says:


      Before you start accusing me of copying another design do you have some proof to back it up? When I released the original panel there wasn’t a similar panel on the market. Matter of fact before I officially released it I sent photos of the prototype to ITS who informed me HSGI was also working on a panel. As soon as I found out I picked up the phone and called Gene to let him know. I even emailed pics of the prototype so he could see the differences and check the properties to see the dates the photos were taken to prove it wasn’t something I had sewn up overnight to compete with his product. Gene gave me the go ahead to continue with my panels when I spoke to him on the phone. Besides that there wasn’t another on the market and I actually checked around to make sure.

      Posted on my blog on Jan 9th and on Lightfighter Dec 16th


      And on SOE Facebook Jan 29th.


      So the first pictures of the SOE panel didn’t show up online till after mine was released. So if you’re going to start making accusations how about you back them up with some proof. If you have some dated photos online you can direct me to that show SOE was making them 20 years ago or even before Dec 16th when the pictures of mine first showed up on lightfighter I’d love to see them.

      • Chris says:

        I’m sorry but Facebook, Lightfighter, ITS, HSGI and the internet didn’t exist 20 years ago when the original came out but that doesn’t mean it didn’t happen. All other physical proof was destroyed in a catastrophic bomb blast.

        That said, because the work was bomb proof, several examples still exist and are rumored to be used as door mats in the team rooms of Seal Team Six and Delta Force. So before you go accusing me of accusing you, maybe you should ask one of those guys for a picture of their door mat.

        • OCTactical says:

          You’re the one that threw out the “lack of originality” comment cupcake. And now you can’t back it up. So you decided to tell the world I borrowed someone else’s design and then acknowledge there was no way for me to actually know the other product existed other then apparently checking door mats.

          Great job Chris!

    • Emm says:

      It’s not like OSOE doesn’t like to “borrow” other’s designs. Besides that, if you compare OSOE’s patch panel with that of OC Tactical’s, OC’s is far more refined.

      • Ghost1213 says:

        Agreed! And if you compare tactical gear companies the majority of them make many of the same items. It’s just about who does it better, and in this case it’s OC tactical hands down.

  4. Ryan says:

    I know I will be grabbing one for the office at some point. Great work OC Tactical