SIG SAUER - Never Settle

Felix Baumgartner’s Pressure Suit

Today Felix Baumgartner attempts to break four world records, three of which were set in the early 1960s. Both were set by military men. The highest altitude parachute jump and longest freefall was set in 1960 by USAF Capt Joe Kittinger and the highest altitude manned balloon flight was set in 1961 by USN Cdr Malcolm Ross and Lt Cdr Victor Prather. Unfortunately, Lt Cdr Prather died during the recovery at sea.

Austrian skydiver Felix Baumgartner is attempting to shatter these records and also be the first human to break the sound barrier in freefall.


In order to make a jump from 120,000′ he is making the ascent in a ballon. There is little atmosphere at that altitude and as soon as he depressurized the balloon’s cabin his life would be at danger if it weren’t for his pressurized suit and helmet manufactured by David Clark. Unfortunately, there is an issue with his heated visor. The mission continues as the ground team assesses their options.

Lets cheer him and his team on.


4 Responses to “Felix Baumgartner’s Pressure Suit”

  1. Chandler says:

    He broke the highest vertical height in a balloon record and the fastest freefall, but he actually did not break the longest recorded freefall joe kittinger still holds that record

  2. Chandler says:

    He also broke the highest recorded jump i forgot to mention that

  3. Standy says:

    I’m not seeing the deployment bag for his giant brass balls…

    Congrats, Felix.