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Hot Shots Veteran’s Day Giveaway

In honor of this Veteran’s Day, enter for a chance to win one of 12 limited edition SSD variants of the 2013 Hot Shots calendar. This year’s Hot Shots calendar is inspired by pinups of the 40s and 50s. Like always 50% of proceeds go to military charities.

There was a limited run of SSD variant 2013 Hot Shots calendars produced and this is your chance to win yours. We will be giving away one of these to 12 different, lucky SSD readers.

To enter, let us know who your favorite Hot Shots model is (full name, current or past). Post her name in the comments section of THIS article on SSD. Contest closes at 1800Z on 11 November, 2012. Use your real email address as we will use it to contact the winners to request your shipping address. Unclaimed prizes will be redistributed. Void where prohibited.

Support Hot Shots and their charities, Help for Heroes and the Special Operations Warrior Foundation. Remember, 50% of proceeds go to these charities. Big thanks to the folks behind Hot Shots – Edgar Brothers, Smith Optics Elite Division, Daniel Defense, Independent Studio Services, Crye Precision, and Magpul Industries.

Follow Hot Shots on Facebook – www.facebook.com/hotshotscalendar
Purchase calendars at www.hotshotscalendar.com

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163 Responses to “Hot Shots Veteran’s Day Giveaway”

  1. Alex says:

    Rosie Jones

  2. Danny says:

    I’m sorry to the rest of you beautiful ladies of Hot Shots Calendar past and present, but Rosie Jones will forever be my favorite…

  3. Jonathon says:

    Without a doubt Emily O’hara

  4. Ross says:

    Kelly Hall. Red hair FTMFW.

  5. Jeff L. says:


  6. Richard says:

    I am another Kelly Hall fan, because I gots a thing for redheads.

  7. Paul says:

    Emma Glover. She hates football so I can forgive her that she likes G36 😀

  8. Medic!! says:

    Emma Glover, hell yea!

  9. Andrew says:

    Emily O’Hara

  10. Dgolf says:

    Kelly Hall all the way

  11. Brock says:

    Emily O’Hara
    Thanks for the chance!

  12. Phillip G Thompson says:

    Holly Peers

  13. Stephen says:


  14. Daniel says:

    Rosie Jones!

  15. Danny White says:

    Rosie jones 100%

  16. Greg says:

    Kelly hall
    A girl in Multicam just makes a good pattern, better.

  17. Jayson says:

    Kelly Hall!

  18. Eric says:

    Emily O’hara

  19. Travis Miller says:

    India Reynolds

  20. Martin says:

    Holly Peers.

  21. Albert Nguyen says:

    Rosie Jones!

  22. Dan says:

    Rosie Jones FTW. Although I wouldn’t complain if Lucy Pinder came back for another appearance.

  23. BadAndy says:

    Rosie Jones

  24. Chris says:

    India Reynolds looks like the girl next door(just with a lot of firepower) but I have to say Stacey Noblet. She is just plain sexy!

  25. jon says:

    Rosie Jones

  26. Ziggy Von Brown says:

    Oh man, just one favorite, I don’t know if I can name just one. sorry ladies, I would have to say it’s Rosie Jones. No wait, make that India Reynolds. No, no, no it would have to be Kelly Hall. Oh God no, don’t make me choose. I’m so fickle I fall in love 3 or 4 times just driving into work every day. Ok, it’s Holly, no Emily, no Emma….aw screw it, I just can’t choose one favorite

  27. Steve says:

    Kelly Hall

  28. Ford says:

    Lucy Pinder, nevee has half a flight suit looked so good!

  29. BradKAF308 says:

    Lucy Pinder, no doubt, she great all around!

  30. Adrian says:

    Rosie Jones FTW!

  31. Nathan says:

    Rosie Jones, so hot!

  32. NotDeaf says:

    Emma Glover

  33. Jimbo says:

    Lucy Pinder

  34. Patrick says:


  35. Nick says:

    Lucy Pinder, so gorgeous.

  36. Steven Jakubs says:

    India Reynolds!!!

  37. John W says:

    Two Words: KELLY HALL!!!

    Ain’t nothing hotter than a redhead!

  38. Jordan Villagomez says:

    LUCY PINDER is amazing!

  39. Lasse says:

    Holly Peers.

  40. Zach P says:


  41. David says:

    Ah I can’t pick between Rosie Jones and Kelly Hall. Rosie Jones catches my first but theres just something about redheads.

    But if I have to pick one out would be Rosie!

  42. MiniGuinea says:

    Emily O’Hara!!!

  43. Greg says:

    Kelly Hall–you can sleep with a blonde, and you can sleep with a brunette, but you’ll never sleep with a redhead!

  44. Daniel J says:

    Lucy Pinder.

  45. Rick says:

    Rosie Jones hands down!

  46. Andre' says:

    Emma Glover

  47. Brad says:

    Rosie Jones, no doubt about it; just awesome.

  48. Mike says:

    Holly Peers!

  49. Michael says:

    Lucy Pinder – 100%

  50. Phil says:

    India Reynolds please!