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Hot Shots Veteran’s Day Giveaway

In honor of this Veteran’s Day, enter for a chance to win one of 12 limited edition SSD variants of the 2013 Hot Shots calendar. This year’s Hot Shots calendar is inspired by pinups of the 40s and 50s. Like always 50% of proceeds go to military charities.

There was a limited run of SSD variant 2013 Hot Shots calendars produced and this is your chance to win yours. We will be giving away one of these to 12 different, lucky SSD readers.

To enter, let us know who your favorite Hot Shots model is (full name, current or past). Post her name in the comments section of THIS article on SSD. Contest closes at 1800Z on 11 November, 2012. Use your real email address as we will use it to contact the winners to request your shipping address. Unclaimed prizes will be redistributed. Void where prohibited.

Support Hot Shots and their charities, Help for Heroes and the Special Operations Warrior Foundation. Remember, 50% of proceeds go to these charities. Big thanks to the folks behind Hot Shots – Edgar Brothers, Smith Optics Elite Division, Daniel Defense, Independent Studio Services, Crye Precision, and Magpul Industries.

Follow Hot Shots on Facebook – www.facebook.com/hotshotscalendar
Purchase calendars at www.hotshotscalendar.com

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163 Responses to “Hot Shots Veteran’s Day Giveaway”

  1. Adam says:

    Emily O’Hara with wife endorsement!

  2. Johnny says:

    Holly Peers! Hope she’s at SHOT Show again.

  3. Jason says:

    Without a doubt, Kelly Hall. Soul-less Gingers are so much fun.

  4. k98 says:

    Kelly Hall!

  5. Bear says:

    Holly Peers

  6. Gotta go with Kelly Hall!

  7. Rondale says:

    Amii Grove!!

  8. Bill Thomas says:

    Gotta be the beautiful Rosie Jones.

  9. MisterBangBangMan says:

    Has to be the Hotshots Queen, Miss Rosie Jones. Gracing my wall in every hotshot calendar since 2010 … long may it continue!!

  10. Alex Arispe says:

    Kelly Hall freaks in the sheets.

  11. Jason says:

    Kelly Hall, by far, smoking hot!!!!

  12. a u says:

    Going with Rosie Jones! Hot just damn hot! Will you go to the 173D Ball with me?

  13. Patrick says:

    Holly Peers on my birthday month of September…yummy!

  14. Jesus Rodriguez says:

    Miss Rosie all the way,I love her.

  15. John says:

    All time fav for me has always been, Rosie Jones.

  16. Dan says:

    Rosie Jones!

  17. Matt says:

    Holly Peers, definitely

  18. Brian says:

    rosie jones

  19. Joonas says:

    India Reynolds!

  20. Jamie Tremaine says:

    Rosie Jones or Emily,a brunette and a blonde for some variety.

  21. Thor H. says:

    Holly Peers, Ooo La La!

  22. Gaz says:

    ROSIE,her pose on the front cover is amazing!

  23. TM says:

    Kelly Hall

  24. rob says:

    Ms Rosie Jones 🙂

  25. NS says:

    Kelly Hall

  26. gaz says:

    ROSIE,I love her on the cover of the calander,what a position!

  27. Shawn Clopton says:

    India Reynolds

  28. B_A says:

    Lucy Pinder.
    And if someone knows a source where one can still get the 2011 calendar, let me know.

  29. David says:

    Kelly Hall!!

  30. kpham says:


  31. BS says:

    Rosie Jones is one of my all time favorites.

  32. K C says:

    Not many Emma Glover fans out there. Her favorite gun is G36 to. Angel of death haha

  33. Pete says:

    Lucy Pinder.

  34. Newman says:

    I am not biased… Kelly Hall!

  35. Norbis says:

    Rosie Jones, without a doubt, Rosie Jones!

  36. Josh says:

    Picking a favorite is very difficult…I think I have to go with Emma Glover

  37. Tank says:

    OK, if I have to pick just one. CHARLOTTE M.

  38. Lawrence says:

    Lucy Pinder!

  39. Chase says:

    Has to be Lucy Pinder.

  40. Comradelunchbox says:

    Holly Peers!!!

  41. Josh says:

    Emily O’hara in her flight jacket and hat, represents the best the Air Force’s have to offer!

  42. Bob says:

    Kelly Hall

  43. Josh says:

    Emily O’hara can not beat her pics.

  44. bonk says:

    Lucy Pinder for the win

  45. Mike G says:

    Lucy Pinder is my fav!

  46. Ted says:

    Holly Peers!

  47. Dave says:

    Sam Cooke is lookin good!

  48. Alex says:

    Rosie Jones hands down!

  49. JSGlock34 says:

    Kelly Hall