FirstSpear TV

Join the NRA

If you feel that private gun ownership is a fundamental right then you should be a member of the National Rifle Association. Join today.


29 Responses to “Join the NRA”

  1. Scott S. says:

    The June 2010 issue of American Rifleman includes a “special feature” article tilted “A Real Home on the Range” (pages 16-18). This featured the Clark County, Nevada shooting park. Unbelievably, it barely features the range and is more of a tribute to Harry Reid! Three photos in the article and two are Harry Reid with NRA’s Wayne LaPierre and Chris Cox…one is a 3 page centerfold. What did the NRA get for this favor and at who’s expense?

    I can never support an organization that turns it’s back to Harry Ried’s blatant trampling of our Constitution and panders to him just before a mid-term election. The NRA lost many members with that article including myself.

  2. Bobbydavro says:

    Just gonna put this thought out there- are firearms a Fundamental right or a privalige wich need to earned and skills assessed ,certified , licenced and maintained to keep that privalige ???? Food for thought???

    • Martin says:

      Based on the constitution they are as fundamental as free speech.

      • Bobbydavro says:

        At the time when the constitution was written the freedom and security of the state was entrusted to the people as there was no federal or national army, in times of conflict or lawlessness malitia where raised or posses were formed you now have one of the strongest federal law enforcement and national armies in the world but the crux of it is people buy guns because they are scared, they are scared because they don’t trust each other and if the people don’t trust each other how can a government trust the people???? We aren’t in the 18th century any more

        • SSD says:

          And you aren’t in America. To be quite frank, our deal between Government and Governed is quite a bit different than yours.

          • Bobbydavro says:

            Yeah you’re right on that one thankfully. But well done at avoiding the fact that Americans are scared of Americans that’s why they all want guns (my words by the way, but look at the reaction to the shooting-gun sales went up, hurricane katrina-gun sales went up )this wasn’t a reaction to a government crackdown troops oppressing the people, this was the American people not Trusting each other because you want more firepower than you’re neighbour.

          • Bobbydavro says:

            Just as a reply I love coming to the states I think it’s a great place with some awesome people, I also have the great pleasure of working with us forces in some of shitest places in the world and I think it’s sad that what they earn some people take for granted but ce’la ve’ we as a western society try to push change on others yet aren’t willing to accept change ourselves More so America than others.

          • Yankee Doodle says:

            We had this great version of change too, about 236 years ago. Too bad the rest of the crown’s subjects didn’t catch on. Despite what you might think about Americans we are free men and we don’t swear fealty to royalty who are by birth “better” than us.

          • Bobbydavro says:

            Yankee lol hey at least we know who our royal family are your ‘royal families are the bush’s,the ,the kennedys , the Kassebaum’s the rockafeller’s the adams’s all desendents of rich powerfull industrialists all the royal families regardless of country are are descendants of rich power people who have become ingrained in society through history it’s just ours are century’s old yours aren’t and as history states we took ours out of the power loop

    • mike says:

      Bobbydarvo, you’re not putting it out there or just giving us food for thought. You’re asking a direct question and you’re not going to get any support here.

      Every concession we give is one step closer to their end goal: complete ban. They will never be happy until civilian ownership is banned and they will take one step at a time if we give it to them.

      So take your bull elsewhere.

      • Bobbydavro says:

        A well regulated militia, being the best security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed.(that’s you’re 2nd ammendment note the word regulated I think someone might make use of that)

        • Sketchy_Endeavor says:

          In Federalist No. 29, Alexander Hamilton suggested that well-regulated refers not only to “organizing”, “disciplining”, and “training” the militia, but also to “arming” the militia.

          • Bobbydavro says:

            Exactly in the military you are trained assessed on weapons if you don’t provide competency you don’t get a weapon also the storage is regulated And if found breaking these rules you are disciplined within the law

          • Bobbydavro says:

            Definition of SUGESTION – an idea or plan put forward for consideration:

          • Ex-St. Paul Resident says:

            Bobby – Much of our constitution and many of our laws are open to ambiguity (due to changes in terminology, definition, culture, etc.) and we must rely on the intention of the law to actually apply it.

            That said, I have not read the essay all the way through and do not have a clear understanding of it (though I do disagree with Wikipedia’s brief overview), thus I can’t comment on how it is used to more clearly define the intentions of the 2nd Amendment.

    • Chuck says:

      The fact that you even have to ask the question speaks volumes. The right to keep and bear arms is a fundamental human right. It is God-given (or for the atheists out there, natural right) and inherent to our humanity.

      This right is not granted by the 2nd Amendment any more than the right to free speech and freedom of religion are granted by the 1st Amendment because no government gives us our rights. We are born with them.

  3. Bobbydavro says:

    Personnaly I think that the buzz word for this continuing debate won’t be ban but regulation of ownership

    • Sketchy_Endeavor says:

      That can’t stand up because the word “regulated” counters your point. If anything, the Gov’t should be contributing to gun ownership more as it’s written.

    • Ex-St. Paul Resident says:

      As Sketchy kind of pointed out, banishment is regulation, I don’t think that is the point you were trying to make though.

      What exactly is your point? If your trying to say they are going to make pieces of the firearm or specific details illegal, essentially ban them, and not the essential firearm itself, then something is still getting banned and we’re back to the 1994 AWB. Is that what you’re trying to say?

  4. Sketchy_Endeavor says:

    In District of Columbia v. Heller, the Supreme Court upheld the Second Amendment as protecting an individual right. I know this jerk likes to force ideology down our throats so maybe you’re right. Maybe we’ll take it big and dry for a while.

  5. Steve says:

    If all they could do in 1994-2004 was the AWB ban on flash supressors, mags, etc, then thats just about what will happen this year, esp with 2 landmark SC cases deciding in favor of gun right & the 2nd Amd.

    I can also see some changes to the NICS in the area of mental health, but really this kid was nuts and not much you can do about crazy except lock ’em away.

    I seriously doubt the House will pass anything too harsh, so probably the best bet for POTUs is to go with an EO BEFORE any bill goes to be voted on..

  6. SSD says:

    It’s reassuring to say the least that the only anti-2A guy is someone who it won’t affect.

  7. Terry says:

    I really feel for you guys. As an Australian, I know what it’s like to have a government ride the coat-tales of an unfortunate incident to force its own agendas down everyone’s throat.

    If you want to be a gun owner in Australia now you are treated, by default, as some sort of criminal and are subject to some very unreasonable legal restrictions (such as police having the power to come into your house at any time to inspect your firearm and ammunition storage arrangements, without notice or a warrant).

    I would honestly like to emigrate to the USA, simply becuase you currently enjoy much more personal freedom than we do here in the People’s Republic of Australia. I pray that you manage to keep it.

  8. Reverend says:

    Free citizens understand that you will have consequences to your actions, when the government steps into the consequences, it causes isssues on self-reliance.

    In our past history, we stood up to the danger, and insane.

    Now, we’re neutered by lawyers, bad legislation, and overzealous law enforcement. Perhaps we should go back to being “Free Citizens”?

  9. Reverend says:

    Oh! And Join the GOA if you don’t like the NRA. They piss off the Anti’s more than the NRA.

  10. Chuck says:

    If you care about the 2nd Amendment and live in Virginia and you aren’t a member of Virginia Citizens Defense League (VCDL), you should be.

    Nobody, including the NRA, has been as effective as VCDL at defending and more importantly, RECLAIMING our right to keep and bear arms.

  11. NAVSOG says:

    To bobbtdavro
    Go back across the water where you came from and bow to your king, this country was formed on individule rights based on the ten commandments and those who where corrupted are the ones who want to take the arms from the US citizens to rule over them just as they do in your country.