RAAM GSS from Wilcox Ind

AOL Comes Out of the Anti-2A Closet

In a statement posted early this morning, AOL laid out their four point plan to reduce gun violence in America. Point number two is most telling. We love it when people are so oblivious that they come out in favor of laws that are already on the books like criminal background checks.

Second, we’re joining with 750 mayors and other leaders in the Demand a Plan campaign (http://www.demandaplan.org/) to ban high volume assault weapons and require criminal background checks for firearms. This is a sensible idea and is in line with our commitment to family safety.

However, it seems as if the statement was drafted by committee or a schizophrenic. Despite coming out in favor of a ban on high volume assault weapons (whatever the hell that is) they also acknowledge that they don’t know it all and ask for input on how to “prevent tragedies like the one in Newtown.” Too bad they are so focused on the least effective; firearms legislation.

Third, we know not all of our members agree on potential changes to gun laws. So if you have different ideas on how to prevent tragedies like the one in Newtown, please let us know in the comments area below and we’ll share the best of them on AOL.com. This isn’t about ideology — it is about reducing the number of mass murders, so please share any realistic solution you may have.

AOL members, let them know what you think. So far, the comments are the typical no-nothing anti-2A drivel; ban automatic weapons, etc. It would be nice nice for a change if people who call for additional laws knew about the ones already on the books.



17 Responses to “AOL Comes Out of the Anti-2A Closet”

  1. Matt says:

    People still use AOL?

  2. Josh says:

    AOL is still a thing?

  3. Chuck says:

    I’m stunned that AOL can afford to alienate ANY potential or existing customers.

  4. JM says:

    Two words: Arianna Huffington. No surprise here!

  5. AK says:

    You’ve got Fail.

  6. I didn’t know AOL was still alive.

  7. Lawrence says:

    Kinda makes you wish the world had ended today…

  8. ScottyC says:

    Yes AOL is still a thing, and they’ve been Anti-gun for yrs. I read an article a couple of yrs ago, AOL still receives a few Million dollars every yr from clueless people that haven’t realized that AOL provides the service for free now, and AOL still pockets their money without letting them know.


  9. jmcboots says:

    We ought to jump on the band wagon of making EVERYONE and I mean every single soul in the country have to go through a rigorous process to get automatic weapons!

    We ought to restrict such sales to people over 21 in good legal standing.
    We ought to make them get a form signed by their local chief law enforcement officer!
    We should make them all submit pictures and fingerprints to the government!

    If they want to play with fully automatic weapons, by golly we should put them through a rigorous process.

    By falling in line with the Anti-2A crowd on this, we can show them just how smart we think they are, and how we 2A lovin types are willing to work with them. They will think they struck gold we we acquiesce like this.


    • P J says:

      To own a fully automatic weapon you must get a permit from the FBI to own one. Also I am told that you have to pay $300.00 for the permit and be investigated and fingerprinted. The weapon that was used in the CT shootings was a semi-automatic weapon and I heard that CT has one of the strictest laws about buying the type of semi-autiomatic weapon thhat was used in the CT shootings. I think one way to prevent these types of shootings is to have an armed policeman in every school or let the teachers who want to get trained to carry concealed weapons carry the weapons in and out of school. A teacher in our area prevented children from being killed when he went to his car and got his 45 semi-automatic pistol out of his car and made the kid drop his pistol before he killed one of his class mates. The boy had already killed his mother and father and some of his siblings before he came to school. The boy is now in prision serving life without parole. Also a young man was at a mall with his girfriend when a man started shooting. The young man had a concealed carry permit and pulled out his weapon and pointed it at the man who was shooting and the man who was shooting after seeing a gun pointed at him then shoot himself in the head. The young man with the concealed carry permit did not even have to fire his weapon. Passing laws to restrict the sale of guns has not done a whole lot of good. Look at all the laws they have passed about drugs. Those laws have not stopped people from using drugs and have not stopped drugs from coming into the country

  10. E Freeman says:

    Who uses aol anymore? Grannies? They are obsolete and just plain stupid.

  11. MKEOD says:

    Has anyone contacted Prodigy or Compuserve for an opinion?

  12. majrod says:

    If you are an AOL customer and a gun owner you’re slitting your own throat.

  13. Wild Bill USMC(Ret) says:

    Well, well, well! Lets see here. As far as I am concerned, Huffington, Obama, Reid, Pelosi, Clinton, and McCaskill can “bloop” themselves or have a joint cluster together. The rest of us just need to be prepared. Finally, if you want to stop mass murderers, then catch them and kill them — No more life sentences and no more plea bargains. Just good old American justice. Reinstitute Christian prayer in schools, return of common sense family discipline, and rule by the true majority — not the Obama compilation of minorities to form the new pseudo-majority.

  14. John Denny says:

    I like to use Reagan.com now, it says something about me.