SIG SAUER - Never Settle

James Yeager Speaks Out on Possible Executive Orders Restricting Firearms

James Yaeger is understandably upset over Vice President Biden’s comments yesterday that President Obama is considering bypassing the Congress and instead imposing firearms restrictions via Executive Order.

Yeager is never afraid to call it like he sees it. The question is, does he go too far or is his sentiment shared by many in the mainstream of the pro-2A movement?


72 Responses to “James Yeager Speaks Out on Possible Executive Orders Restricting Firearms”

  1. Ross says:

    The first question that needs to be asked/answered is what exactly is the 2nd Amendment about? if you can answer that truthfully then James is right on the money.

  2. Angry Misha says:

    To James Yaeger,
    Have you ever heard the term “It is better to remain silent at the risk of being thought a fool, than to talk and remove all doubt of it”?

    You’re an idiot. First you challenge someone to a duel. And now you threaten to “…start killing people”.

    As a member of the military, combat veteran, RESPONSIBLE gun owner and enthusiast, I believe not only in the constitution but also as my Gunny so eloquently: “Policing your own”.

    And unfortunately because you’re a member of the firearm community, you are “My own”.

    Right now, as you’re burning off whatever steroid driven high you’re on, rest assured your status as “obscure asshat” is being elevated to “threat to public safety” curtesy of me.

    Yep, I will be dropping your little video off with my friendly neighborhood federal agent I have breakfast with every morning and you should be getting a visit soon after. I’m actually thinking they’ll be from the Secret Service. And if you try to blame it on the Left, I will go public and state that I did it to illustrate that you do not represent us (responsible gun owners). Oh, don’t worry, I will have my AR variants lined up behind me so there will be no question on my stance on these shenanigans the administration is playing.

    However, you’re the greatest threat to our freedoms.

    Way to go fucktard.

    Then again, maybe you are broke and want to go to prison for the free room, board and gay sex.

    • Zulu6 says:

      Right on, Man.

    • Contradiction says:

      Angry Misha I thought you swore an oath to defend the Constitution? you know what the first Bill of Right is?………………….. ok just checking.

      think about this:
      when govt takes away one of your rights to please some one else to make them “feel” safe how is that moral or fair to the other person who feels “safer” exercising their right(s)?

      • Mike says:

        Contra- and who the hell is he going to be killing in defense if the 2nd amendment? You are correct that military officers swear an oath to the constitution. Which is why they would never turn on the people.

        Furthermore, threatening to “kill people” is not going to help our cause. Unless of course it is himself, in which case our whole community would be better off.

      • Seriously? says:

        Contra –
        No right (from the bill of rights) is absolute.
        Threats of violence or insurrection, speech to cause panic, and assembly without a permit all fall in the same category: illegal.
        It’s not taking away a right if it wasn’t there to begin with.

        • Lawrence says:

          To Alex Jones, James Yaeger, etc.


          We understand the anger – we all feel it – but right now you’re playing us right into the hands of the gun-grabbers. You should listen to the man who said “Never go full retard”, and you should also familiarize yourself with the term “Agitprop”.

          We are in the midst of an info war right now, and you didn’t just fire the first shot – you just lost the skirmish and became the first casualties.

    • Chris says:

      Fuck you

  3. John says:

    I give. Where we can see what he says. The link provided goes to his Web site, but I see no article. I searched You Tube and found no video on the topic. Can you give us another clue in the search for this info?

  4. Rob G says:

    The only attention a loose canon gets is a muffle…

  5. John says:


    “America is advanced citizenship. You gotta want it bad, ’cause it’s gonna put up a fight. It’s gonna say ‘You want free speech? Let’s see you acknowledge a man whose words make your blood boil, who’s standing center stage and advocating at the top of his lungs that which you would spend a lifetime opposing at the top of yours. You want to claim this land as the land of the free? Show me that, defend that, celebrate that in your classrooms.'”

    • Weeble says:

      Interesting that you chose the move “American President” for you response to Misha and a good speech it is however it’s contradictory because right after he says this in the movie he declares he’s going to “get the guns” and advocate gun control.

  6. 404953C says:

    For those that haven’t seen “Pack your bags” it seems to play here…

    Sturmgewehre keeping it real.

  7. Zulu6 says:

    Yeager is toast and here is the link to another copy of the video

    He will be inspected until they find one silencer or NFA weapons Tax certificate not with a weapon or missing or a automatic rifle outside of the state or something small and they will shut Tactical response down. He is clearly acting with roid rage and is now the poster child for the anti-gun guys and the crazies who may actually mass murder people. Thanks Yeager you just performed a Route Irish on the 2nd Amendment.

    Oh FYI guy here is what Obama (Greatest gun salesman in the history of America) is proposing with his EO:

    1) Appoint a permanent ATF Director- Republicans would not let one be approved since 2006.

    2) Order US Attorney’s to prosecute of Strawbuyer cases – Seems they only prosecuted 77 last year of 71,000 cases of felons buying guns.

    3) Order US Government agencies to report mental health cases to ATF.

    Yep, sounds like dictatorship to me! Now go try to buy a 20 round PMAG for a 308 today on gunbroker! +$100 each.

    • frank markson says:

      Zulu6, where did you get the information about the US Attorney’s failing to prosecute at?

  8. Easton S. says:

    Let’s not forget that the video is no longer available on James’ personal YouTube page. This would cause me to assume that he realized the error of his ways and was responsible enough to take it down.

    However, the video has gone viral and it will be online for a long time. Perhaps we should chalk it up to a quick-tempered mistake (which we all occasionally make) and realize that he realized he was wrong in posting such an inflammatory video.

    Just my $0.02

  9. Angry Misha says:

    @John, I do value, defend and celebrate the constitution. With the same enthusiasm as I take toward my thirty round PMAGs. However, I also understand what it means to be a quiet professional and not playing into the hands in a manner that benefits the opposition such as this buffoon has. In other words: “don’t give the prick the satisfaction”.

    This asshat needs to be locked up. I’m thinking a Protective Order is warranted in the interest of his and the publics safety.

  10. Chris says:

    Guys like this are why non gun owners and frankly many gun owners want to restrict AR type weapon, please shut the hell up and let the adults talk.

  11. B307 says:

    Well I agree James is a maniac, and he once again showed his ass for sure, However he is partly voicing what a lot of us are thinking, (except for the killing people part). Has anyone thought about how serious this is? This is a President of the United States attempting to Subvert our law making process not to mention our constitution. Last time I time I checked it was “We the People” not one man making executive orders. I think that’s called a dictatorship, and in the last decade I helped remove a couple those to liberate people from oppression. It definitely gives me pause. I swore an oath to support and defend the Constitution against all enemies foreign and DOMESTIC. It’s a scary time…..

    Sons of liberty will rise again.

  12. David says:

    You guys leave him alone. He’s the best firearms instructor in the world, just ask him.

    That said, it’s hard to blame the guy for getting aggravated (just not his actions). At what point does a politician fulfill the definition of DOMESTIC enemy (as in, “…all enemies foreign and domestic….”)?

    Be interesting to see what happens to him.

  13. Chris says:

    Free Speech. Suck it Commies.

  14. ACE says:

    Yaeger is exactly the image we don’t need.

    He plays directly into the anti-gun crowd’s depiction of a violent gun owner who can’t be trusted with “assault weapons” because he may snap.

    Thanks again Yeager you chump.

  15. Snoopy says:

    James Yaeger and Wayne LaPierre are outstanding examples of why the left is gaining ground on this issue. On one hand you have La Pierre giving an insincere lawyered up speech that even I, a firearms owner, cringed at. It seemed so out of touch with reality I felt it did a great disservice to the NRA and pro-2nd Amendment folks. Then you have this hot head who epitomizes pretty much everything the people on the left fear. Angry, militant, and looks like he’s about murder someone. Democrats and anti-2nd Amendment types are basically sitting back and letting these people do the work for them. Shame

  16. Ken says:

    Methinks that the poster child for steroid abuse should perhaps talk a little less on Youtube.

  17. Route Irish says:

    Attention whore Yaeger should be ignored in any discussion on the use of weapons.

    He screwed the pooch on BIAP by leaving his Edinburgh Risk team trapped and then hid in a ditch while they were gunned down.

    To make matters worse he faked an AAR and has been running his mouth, threatening people and acting all internet tough every since. Maybe you could hire him to recreate that scene from Team America where the guy waves his hands and runs around screaming. You do a disservice to your readers by talking to this cowardly braggart.

    Now he will be up all night posting fan boy responses under fake names.

  18. Jesse says:

    Are you trying to make him stupid by putting up videos of him talking. Those were his words not mine.

    • SSD says:

      I’m not trying to make him look anything. I truly believe that his actions should spur a dialogue in the firearms community.

  19. Steve says:

    Personally The only part of Yeager’s rant I found any disagreement with were the last five words. And only because those last five word were premature.

    The rest? Anyone who hasn’t had any of it pass through his mind, front OR back, has no soul.

    Even Charles Krauthammer:

    and Pat Buchannan:

    are basically saying the same thing.

    • Chuck says:

      Bingo. This is the point, not Yeager’s ranting on video. Asshat or not, (most) of his words reflect what many are thinking and saying.

      I don’t think the gun-grabbers have any idea the hornet’s nest they are poking at.

      As for the commenter who suggests he will be tipping off the Feds, two points:

      1) I’m sure they are already aware of this.

      2) There’s a word for people like you and it starts with a “Q”.

      • Travis says:

        I give up. What’s the “Q” word?

      • Angry Misha says:

        Chuck, let me first commend you on your display of vernacular. However, you’re going to stand there and make accusatory comments about me and my loyalty to the “Team”?

        Yeah, that’s so rich it’s laughable.

        All I’m doing is “disavowing” this fucktard who’s obviously gone comfickingpletely off the reservation. Have you seen the comments this morons actions have generated? If anyone here is traitorous it’s James Yaeger. His actions, commited via his own free will, have detrimentally impacted our end state. He is a liability and encumbrance to what we’re trying to achieve here.

        If you wanna claim him, you can have him.

        And to make matters worse, James Yeager is a fucking pussy. If he wasn’t, he wouldn’t have redacted that fucking video. If he wasn’t a fucking pussy he’d be standing by his comments.

        James Yeager, if your gonna whip it out, you better not be afraid to get it cut off.

        Your mouth just wrote a check your body can’t cash

  20. Roth Child says:

    what a attention seeking bitch

  21. RKelley says:

    Talk about giving ammo to the libs….I never cared for Yaeger’s self-aggrandizing bullshit in the first place but this is way over the top and is EXACTLY what we don’t need right now. While I share his frustration,his methods couldn’t be worse and from what I understand he is,or at least was a cop,so it will be interesting to see how this all plays out but I would imagine that the Feds will be paying him a visit soon. Keep up the good work,James,the left is counting on people just like you.

  22. Terry says:

    Wow. Just, wow.

    That right there is a grade-a asshat.

  23. Jungle says:

    Well get your backpack off food… Lol.

  24. Jungle says:


  25. mike says:

    You went full retard, man. Never go full retard.

  26. Steve P says:

    For fuck sake please quit re-posting videos of this retarded shaved monkey. Its poor form to make fun of the disabled. Seriously though, quit. I had no idea who this ass clown was until a couple months ago and Im certainly no better off for having heard this guy run his cock holster. Quit giving him the free publicity….

  27. Dave the Rave says:

    We can not go too far in protecting the 2A. Each generation is responsible for protecting their freedom and handing it to their children and the next generation. It’s bigger than ourselves as individuals; it’s about the hope of America and the world. For reasons unknown to us, our generation has been chosen to be the ones to fight back a control-hungry baby-boomer generation that’s now having their time in power. We have no choice but to stand up.

  28. Dave the Rave says:

    While we cannot go too far in protecting the 2A, that DOES NOT MEAN that all reactions are appropriate. For a plan to be appropriate, it must be moral and just.

  29. Dave the Rave says:

    A fully-legal, realistic, and moral plan for the 2A crowd to take from where we are now is to re-form the state-level armies that America once had (not the National Guard). Most of our states’ constitutions already have provisions for them. In fact, the state of Texas still maintains theirs; it is led and organized by veterans and still meets for drills. There would be wide support and many volunteers for this. There are many veterans in our country right now, so there would be enough experience to get it started once again. If you think deeply into it, this plan is very appropriate and even needed for where we are in our nation’s predicament.

  30. Adam says:

    Texas is the greatest country in the world.

  31. J to the T says:

    He is still a DOUCHE, has always been a DOUCHE, and will continue to be DOUCHE. He is so full of shit, it’s not even funny anymore. Like they say bad press is still press.

  32. Jack C. says:

    Hey, thats a semi-shaved monkey…never go full bald.

  33. james says:

    I am Right Next to YOU! Locked and loaded!

  34. K' says:

    I’m as pro-2A as the next guy, but Jones and Yeager rank up right next to the various shootings we’ve had as cases that are proving our point wrong. Jones and Yeager can’t keep their mouths closed long enough to consider appropriate debate. Then you have a shooting in Wichita, KS, where a food order gone bad ends in someone firing off shotgun rounds in a McDonald’s lot, and a list of other incidents, too.

    Yeah, we need to police our own.

  35. SSD says:

    I understand that Yaeger has released a redacted version of this video. Does anyone have a link?

    • Angry Misha says:

      SSD, its on his youtube page. He removed the comment “I’m gonna kill people”. However, he still mentions “Firing the first shot”. Redacted or not its too late. I personally downloaded it last night and its gone viral.

      Jimmy, Jimmy, Jimmy… Being a former Police Officer, you are probably familiar with “Protective Orders”. Yeah, I can see one in your future REAL soon. So.. say “bye bye” to your firearm collection because after a rant like that… you need some serious help and cannot be trusted around firearms, power tools, motor vehicles, sharp tools etc.

      It’s really for your own safety and the safety of OUR (excluding yours) rights as responsible firearm owners.

      James “Full Fucking Retard” Yaeger

      yeah, that sounds about right.

      • Chris says:

        “…you need some serious help and cannot be trusted around firearms, power tools, motor vehicles, sharp tools etc.
        It’s really for your own safety and the safety of OUR (excluding yours) rights as responsible firearm owners.”

        I’m pretty sure Hitler said this. It might have been Stalin. Either way, shut the fuck up.

        • Angry Misha says:

          Whatever “fanboy”. Why don’t you get back to fisting Yeagers pussy. Like I said, I won’t give up my semiauto’s. in addition, I won’t give the other side the advantage in their campaign to try and take them either by such reckless acts as this asshat.

          And your association if my quote to that of tyrants shows your ignorance you dolt.

          Last time I checked we don’t sell firearms to the mentally deficient. However, as James Yeager has demonstrated, some always manage to slip through the cracks

          • Chris says:

            lol OMG yeager has been sooooooo reckless! fuck off dude. There’s far crazier shit on youtube for the anti-guns to latch onto and if they never found anything, I’m pretty sure they’d make shit up. (they’re already making up crime stats and selling guns to mexico.)

            I wasn’t seriously associating your quote. Just calling you an asshole in a round-a-bout way. You, just like our elected officials, don’t get to decide who can play with what. You’re not qualified to determine, based on a youtube video, whether Mr. Yeager is mentally deficient or not.

            It seems, based on your comments here, that 1. you’ve got too much time around a computer and 2. you harbor some sort of malice toward Mr. Yeager that appears to go beyond just this video.

            You quoted your gunny about policing our own. Well you’re not. You’d rather he be shunned and be considered an outlier. Well he’s not. He’s one of us. Get the fuck over it. His professional record makes him one of us and his experiences make his opinions valid. And if a man realizes a mistake he’s made, he doesn’t plow on through it like a macho douchebag. He does what he can to explain and correct the mistake. In this case, an edited version of the original and new video.

            So really, when it comes down to it, you’re just coming off as a hater and a turncoat. Probably because your beard isn’t nearly as cool as his.

  36. B Palmatier says:

    I really wish we could find a spokesperson on this issue somewhere between this and Alex Jones, and Wayne LaPierre. All the extreme nonsense just makes us look like right wing wackos and doesn’t protect out rights.

  37. SGT Rock says:

    Thanks Yeager you stupid dick splash. When are you going to learn to keep your cock holster shut?!?

  38. Matt says: And now the left will be sure to see it….look for this idiot on Piers Morgan now…

    • Jason says:

      Ugh is video will be all over CNN and NBC now, playing in a loop.

      Thanks a lot ass clown.

      • Lawrence says:

        Bloomberg, Frankenstein, Morgan, etc. are all laughing themselves silly and rubbing their hands in glee at how easy these guys are making it for them.

  39. Paul Mathews says:

    This guy is an idiot. He’s about as relavant to gun owners as TangoDown. In it for nothing but the money. I hope he gets busted for some obscure internet threats law or something!

  40. Paul Mathews says:

    SCAR accessories that break –folding stock latch anyone? X300 front sight mount???? Twist grip???? T1 rubber condom for an unbreakable optic…

  41. Matt says: He doesn’t know when to quit…I guess he’s just going to pump retarded videos out as fast as he can before he is picked up.