
Yeager “Pack Your Bags Pt 3”

James Yeager is joined by Nashville-based Attorney Dana McClendon to take a measured approach to impending firearms legislation. They urge contacting legislators with messages that support legal gun ownership. After his past couple of times at bat, it’s good to see this tone. And, it’s good to see Yeager apologize for his earlier inflammatory comments. Yeager made this video Friday afternoon and I wish I had posted this earlier.


10 Responses to “Yeager “Pack Your Bags Pt 3””

  1. Chris says:

    Are you purposely spelling his name incorrectly? It’s “Yeager”. And no, I don’t work for him.

    • SSD says:

      Who are you talking to?

      • Metalhead2508 says:

        I would guess he’s talking to whoever tuns the website. Yeager’s name is constantly spelled wrong. It’s Y…E…A…G…E…R. It also can be spelled. IMAKILLUIIFUTAKEMYGUNZOHWAITTHATSNOTWHATIMEANT.

  2. Bluedevil says:

    People worry about spelling when there are bigger things to worry about. “Im just a stickler for spelling,” get real!

  3. Kurt says:

    Its one thing to be a jackass….then another to retract your jackass statements, with a lawyer present, and look like a pussy too.

    Im SO tired of this guy.

  4. Brando says:

    He bolos over and over unapologetically, then when faced with a harsh dose of reality he wises up and is finally a “go at this station” – reminds me of the “everyon’s a winner” attitude about life. This fuckstick needs to crawl back in his cave and cut off his tongue.

  5. Zulu6 says:

    World Greatest Tactical Instructor ™!

  6. Dude. says:

    His apologies feel forced. He doesn’t seem like he actualy means it.