TYR Tactical

Another Use of the SOB Sling


Kyle Defoor shows another application of the Sheriff of Baghdad B-sling in a recent Urban Sniper class.


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4 Responses to “Another Use of the SOB Sling”

  1. Mr. European says:

    Doesn’t look like one can quickly decouple the sling.
    As an urban sharpshooter setup, fine; as a urban soldier, risky.

    Of course, there’s that clip, but detachment must take a second or two. In combat a second is a lot of time, I’m sure.

  2. Mac says:

    Just looks a bad idea all round

  3. Joe says:

    Key words: “urban sniper.”

  4. Warfighter says:

    Looks like someone is trying too hard to sell a product. I wouldn’t want this setup in a fight. Too long to get mobile, needs fine motor skills to disconnect. Recoil would also be complex to manage.