SIG SAUER - Never Settle

Crye Precision 2013 Catalog

Here it is, in all its glory, the 2013 Crye Precision catalog. They were handing these out during SHOT Show but ran out by the first day. A lot of folks are worked up over this year’s T-shirts from Crye. Read the intro on page two. Hopefully, that will put it all into perspective for you.

A quick note about the fidelity of the images. We pulled back a bit on the resolution in order to make it downloadable for the guys downrange. We hope you understand.

Crye Precision 2013 Catalog by solsys

Thanks Caleb for permission to post!


21 Responses to “Crye Precision 2013 Catalog”

  1. Bill says:

    hhmmm…proudly made in New York?

  2. Yeah, That’s in the USA.

    Have a good one,

  3. ODG says:

    Great show, great new products, great work to you and your team Caleb it was good to see you.

  4. RGR says:

    WOW! Another catalog of the exact same stuff as last shot show. Knowing how much money crye precision rakes in and seeing that the coolest thing they’ve made is a multicam beanie really gets me soft. Hey, remember that gun clip that was going to be compatible with other weapon models? Good innovation guys. Internet five.

    • Ash says:

      Hey, cut ’em some slack… What with all the freedom being lost back in ’08 it’s really difficult for them to innovate. And since they can’t take any guv’ment contracts any more (Crye isn’t accepting money from the administration impinging on their freedom, right?) their R&D budget is way low.

      And, yes, I acknowledge the snarky nature of my post. Just not a big fan of hyperbolic rhetoric.

      • Juan says:

        I’m glad people criticize and critique companies that openly have their opinions out there. Those companies are people too. Supreme Court said so.

    • Chris says:

      OR simply if its not broke dont fix it. They already make the best gear anyways.

      • RGR says:

        Sofa king false. Combat tops were the last good thing they made.

        • SSD says:

          I think you guys just like to bitch. Last week a guy was complaining about Patagonia saying that it didn’t hold a candle to Crye. This week you guys are whining about Crye. Get over it and be happy you have companies to grouse over in the first place.

  5. J.D says:

    Where are the AC combat pants/shirt?

  6. Chris K. says:

    There will be no gunclips for other models due to difficulty in retaining other pistols. The reason a Glock works is because of the squared shape of the slide and frame. Rounded and complex edges would not work with the gunclip design.

    And at least they will be releasing the airlite and avs this year for retail.

    • Luke says:

      From my experiences, the Gun Clip doesn’t do a great job retaining a Glock. I’ve had it on my belt and almost lost the pistol a few times from sitting down and having pressure applied from the bottom. It’s led to me not using it anymore. I’m a fan of the design, i feel it could do with some tweaks. Something to pass through the trigger well to prevent the pistol coming out could work.
      Also, I find the gap between Crye’s catalog being released ans the products being available frustrating. Love their stuff, hate having to wait a year to buy it.

  7. Dan says:

    Someone should mail a few of these to some certain officials. It’s not a letter, it’s a picture book with words!

  8. Russel Bendix says:

    If you live outside the U.S. their gear is nearly impossible to get. There is only very limited items available outside the U.S. and when you contact Crye direct they aren’t even producing most of the stuff. Their customer service leaves a lot be desired too. You can’t even buy stuff from them with an International Credit Card, International Bank transfers only. What century are they living in?

    • Riceball says:

      Not all companies like dealing with the hassles involved with selling & shipping things overseas, lots of paperwork involved having to deal with customs and all. There’s also the fact that there are certain things that American companies are forbidden to export/sell overseas and some of the stuff they sell may fall in that category and/or it just may be easier not to sell anything overseas rather than try to figure what they can and can’t sell overseas.

      • Bob says:

        Please dont talk about stuff you dont know!
        The paperwork for selling&shipping overseas is almost the same as for US-Sales.
        They DONT have to deal with the customs.
        The only ITAR restricted item that Crye sells is the Crye AirFrame.
        So please stop bullshiting around man!
        Look at the other companys SKDTac, Mayflower, TAG, Tyr, even the small EGL. They also ship internationally.
        The thing is that when you sell internationally you need a larger customer service because there are a lot of more clients.
        At this brings us to the real cause why Crye does not sell internationally:
        Because there customer service is very, very, very poor!
        A few buddies of mine from the US (some civis but also some MIL) had a few of problems with Crye´s customer service!

        @Russel Bendix
        Nah there gear is not that difficult to get.
        Crye has a few resellers all over the world.
        Thats how I got my Crye CPC and Crye AirFrame for work. (I live in germany)

        • SSD says:

          Or maybe…they don’t ship internationally in order to support their overseas dealers?

        • Brian says:

          Sorry folks but Bob is right on!!!!!! I had order issues a few times and had to deal with their customer service and it was a JOKE! To say the least. I would swear I was calling the owners wife and every time I called I would get the same lady or an answering machine. It was so obvious how small there Company truly was. It’s amazing to see anything new! There stuff is obviously nice but they should sell there company to a true player that will continue to MFR. Quality goods and nice designs. They have done some incredible stuff and built a huge name but dealing with them personally I can only state the truth of my experience.

          • SSD says:

            I hate to burst your bubble but Crye Precision isn’t about you. In the past year they’ve supported the US Army Camouflage Improvement Effort, worked on a lightweight motorcycle program, supported fielding of armored Protective Under Garments and Combat Pants and developed and fielded numerous specialized products for their traditional customers. And that’s just the stuff I know about. I can say tho, that the past year or so, things have changed quite a bit for the consumer level buyer.

    • Terry says:

      I too had trouble trying to buy Crye products from overseas and international bank transfers are both a hassle and a rip-off. They did not direct me to any authorised resellers for Australia. My usual go-to for these sort of situations is eBay, but the Crye name is often misused there and there are many, many imitation Crye products. The end result is that while I would like some Crye products, I don’t own any.
