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Sons of Liberty Patch from ITS Tactical

Sons of Liberty

The Sons of Liberty were influential in orchestrating effective resistance movements against British rule in colonial America on the eve of the Revolution, primarily against what they perceived as unfair taxation and financial limitations imposed upon them. The Sons of Liberty effectively undermined British rule, paving the way to America’s independence.

In 1767 the Sons of Liberty adopted a flag that has often been referred to as the rebellious stripes flag, which features nine vertical stripes (five red and four white.) These nine stripes have been said to represent the Loyal Nine, a clandestine political group that inflamed public opinion of British law and predated the Sons of Liberty.

A seminal act and lasting legacy of the Sons of Liberty to the history of the American Revolution, was the December 16, 1773 orchestrating of the Boston Tea Party. Some might point out that the echo from the Sons of Liberty can be heard today, as our rights are being encroached upon and our Constitution attacked. Not a flag of distress or of war, but one of defiance, one that was used in the face of such tyranny.

The ITS Tactical Sons of Liberty Flag PVC Morale Patch measures 2″ x 1″ and features hook velcro on the back.

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31 Responses to “Sons of Liberty Patch from ITS Tactical”

  1. Alex says:

    The perfect gift for your loud mouthed arm chair secessionist with delusions of tactical grandeur ,,,,

  2. Marine vet says:

    Poor Alex, puberty will hit you hard. There are a lot of vets who believe the we do not answer to the govt but the govt answer to Americans

    • Alex says:

      I’m a vet, and what I see on the net is a lot of wannabes that like talking tough about things they’ll never do …

      But then again I’ve heard this kind of talk for decades, its meaningless…

      • Reverend says:

        All politics is talk… until it’s not.

        • Alex says:

          Actions speak louder then words … But all we got here is a bunch big talkers and lets face the internet is a great place for big talk that you don’t have to back up.

          • Doc B says:

            Maybe they’re simply reaching into the various boxes that exist, in the correct order. Those boxes being Soap, Ballot, Jury, and only after those are well depleted, Ammunition.

            I agree that lots of people talk a lot of smack on the interweb, and that is what it is, but even the most hardcore of pissy people requires quite the likeminded crowd behind them to do anything substantial using any of the above boxes.

            A person’s willingness to get off of their couch and “do something” about what pisses them off, isn’t limited to acts of violence, in any case. Indeed, that shouldn’t even cross a person’s mind in day to day circumstances, not when we have a well-written system for political changes to be made. If a person is pissed about this issue or that, simply writing one’s Congresscritters is the start, plus perhaps state legislators and the like.

            Anyway, your posts are not without a point of sorts, but I find them overly dismissive. Besides, if you’re a vet as you say, you once swore to defend peoples’ right to mouth off as they see fit. 🙂

          • veteran says:

            Well said Doc.

            Alex, you need to reassess why you fought for this nation if the previous statements are reflective of why you enlisted/accepted your commission in the first place….

            The founders exercised all tools available to make their message known prior to taking action.

            Your off the cuff statements do not reflect what you swore to uphold in the document we know as the Constitution….

            Do us all a favor and get to know it before making statements like the ones you have made previously.

  3. AmmoKan says:

    In Soviet Russia People answer to the Government…. Family Guy reference aside, the marine is right. In the US the Government should answer to the people. All it takes is for the people to be relatively united and the Government will be forced to meet the call of the people. It’s happened in the past and as long as the US exists it will happen in the future.

    The Marine is right.

  4. themedic says:

    if you dont like it, dont buy it. but dont put down others for purchasing it. dont see why people feel they have to comment on everything

  5. Dave the Rave says:

    I’m getting a patch.

  6. Omega says:

    Much love for ITS.

  7. Nines says:

    Not all customers of this particular product are loud mouthed, arm-chaired or even secessionists.

    My only delusions consist of my children living in a free society.

  8. mike says:

    Alex, are you secretly Piers Morgan? You’ve got his tactics down perfectly.

    Flames aside, the patch is cool. I wouldn’t wear it and don’t have much use for it, but the patch and what it stands for is cool. Can’t you appreciate things even if they don’t appeal directly to you?

    • Alex says:

      I just like mocking wannabe revolutionaries you know all the heroes that always talk about what they are going to do … The target audience for a product like this.

      It reminds of kids these days running around with t-shirts from bands they never knew thinking it makes them cool…

      But yes I do appreciate some things ….

  9. R says:

    While there are a number of very serious Constitutional issues that I have witnessed in BOTH the Bush and Obama administrations, I’ve about had it with these companies that stoke and foment this kind of incendiary rhetoric for no other clear purpose than to turn a quick buck. (Insert PT Barnum quote here.) It serves no clear, defined political point and does precious little to advance or address our political grievances.

    Buy it if you’d like, it’s your will, but I personally look at these products like the record companies selling kids a Marylin Manson t-shirt, telling the kid it’ll piss his parents off because it’s rebellious, and laughing themselves all the way to the bank.

  10. Matthew says:

    I am NOT a soldier, a veteran, nor a badass. I will plan on buying this patch because in a way it represents normal, armed citizens like myself who stand in defiance of the current environment. I think the patch represents people like me who write their congressman, vote informatively, and support the constitution.

    • Reverend says:

      Exactly. Not everyone who fights for this country wears a uniform. Some are politically active trying to change things for the better, some volunteer in the community for their neighbors, and some work really hard to make sure that those who fought, and died, didn’t do it in vain.

  11. Eric B says:

    Well, that turned ugly fast for something that is little more then a tactical bumper sticker.

    Buy it if you like, ignore it if you don’t. I don’t understand all the trolling around here these days.

    • Alex says:

      Trolling ?

      Maybe I’m just getting grumpy in my old age but I’m think I’m just getting sick continually seeing all this pseudo revolutionary/ secessionist talk that’s permeating this and a couple of my other favorite sites of late.

      I’m a vet, I love the military and all the tactical stuff here, I am 100% R2BA. But I have very little use for the people here who talk a lots of smack and who seem to have fantasies of turning their weapons on LE and other authorities.

      • IvyMikeCafe says:

        All due respect, Sir, but you seem to have a hard-on for people going to gun leather over disagreements we are having over natural and Constitutional rights.

        Maybe the Sons of Liberty patch IDs someone who writes lots of letters to elected representatives, goes to rallies to support their causes, or does the equivalent civil disobedience as seen in Birmingham, AL, buses or Greensboro, NC, lunch counters when they recognize their rights being trampled on by the state.

        I don’t see it as a symbol of wanting to shoot LE or .mil at all, but a symbol of people who want to remind their government that its power is derived from the consent of the governed and that the Constitution put very real limits on its power.

        I highly doubt that the dudes at ITS are looking to mix it up with LE and .mil with weapons. I applaud them for encouraging Americans to understand their history and to be active in the eternal vigilance required to preserve our rights as a nation. If a simple symbol from our country’s past can inspire people to get engaged and use the soap, ballot, and jury boxes to preserve our rights and liberties, then bully on them.

        I understand your frustration with a lot of kooks in these trying times, but the ITS dudes do not strike me as a bunch of fat-ass militia types wanting to engage ZOG with their SKS carbines. They are good guys with their heads screwed on straight and want to see the country they love – with all politically incorrect rights – preserved for future generations.

        The SOL patch serves the same role as the Gadsden flag for like-minded individuals to ID each other. Nothing more.

        Again, all due respect. Not trying to flame you.

  12. ISA says:

    Are you gonna bark all day, little doggy?

    Or are you gonna bite?

    -US gov’t to the people

  13. Alex says:

    “-US gov’t to the people”

    I think they made a movie about a few years back, that it was called Idiocracy.

    • ISA says:

      Swing and a miss

      • Alex says:

        Don’t worry, it probably went over your head, like so may things…

        But keep up the good work pretending that your talk is anything but just that. You’ve found the right place, the internet is a great place to talk about about all the things you want to do without ever having to do them …

        • ISA says:

          au contraire mon frere, I’ve seen idiocracy but I don’t think it’s the movie you meant to reference. Unless that movie went completely over your head. In which case you would be as dumb as all the supporting cast in that film, so carry on.

  14. lolwut? says:

    FFS, Alex. Get some fresh air.

    Shitting on every comment because “HERP DURP, THEY WRONG!” is beyond retarded. I’m sorry your nuts go blown off in Nam, but whining about this BS is like complaining about the rain. Never gonna change.

    So deal with it, old man…