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Two Birds Flying Asks Us, “Tell Me If This Makes Sense”

The Two Birds Flying blog deals with many of the same issues as SSD and the author is an old friend. He recently posted a short article that is long on good sense. Those of you that interact with me on Facebook know that I regularly mention disruption as a means to change the dialogue on the current attack on our Second Amendment rights.

Two Birds Flying has noted that many investment funds are divesting from firearms manufacturers and is calling on us to get our politicians to give a little bit of turn about to state and local governments that want to restrict our rights through bad legislation.

Had on over and hear him out. If you agree, spread the word.


3 Responses to “Two Birds Flying Asks Us, “Tell Me If This Makes Sense””

  1. BradKAF308 says:

    Makes sense. What can make more cents is a North American fund to invest in these good companies. Put our money where our mouths are. Vote with your dollars.

  2. JES says:

    While I agree with the premise that this is a “revenge tactic,” I can also see it as being a somewhat decent business move for those funds. Consider how much the value of firearms-related stock have increased over the last two years. It makes logical sense- especially for a state that’s strapped for cash- to “make a statement” PLUS cash in before what honestly seems to be a firearms stock bubble gets back to “normal.”

  3. Thomasjane says:

    I dunno- all of the innovation I’m hearing about in the gun debate is coming from the antigunners.. Getting pensions to divest from firearms companies.. Requiring prohibitive insurance for gun owners.. Those are disruptive tactics and they threaten to get inside the pro-2A movement’s OODA loop until guns are a rich man’s right. We’re going to have to get better ideas.