
KCRF – Combat Flip Flops

One of the Keep Calm and Return Fire patches made it to the new Combat Flip Flops factory.

KCRF Patch at CFF

The hula and patch sit atop the Grizzly belt sander used to hand shape Combat Flip Flops. Where is yours?


6 Responses to “KCRF – Combat Flip Flops”

  1. Levi says:

    Haven’t been able to get one yet. If I ever do it will go in my patrol car.

  2. Shinola says:

    “Keep Calm and Return Fire” is now the tag line in the emails to my squad. If you have to have a catchphrase as an NCO, I like this one!

  3. Aaron says:

    Waiting for you to grant me one…

  4. james says:

    me too…

  5. Philip says:

    I don’t have one yet…

  6. Big_Juju says:

    I’m waiting for you to bring back the t-shirts …