GORE-TEX Military Fabrics

Colorado Governor To Sign Controversial Magazine Ban On Wednesday

Earlier today, a spokesman for Colorado’s Democrat Governor John Hickenlooper stated that on Wednesday morning he will sign a bill into law that bans magazines that hold more than 15 rounds or can be converted to do so. The latter part of this legislation has become even more contentious as almost all magazines feature a removable floor plate for cleaning may also allow a magazine to be modified to accommodate more than 15 rounds of ammunition. This could essentially be used to ban virtually any magazine with a floor plate regardless of the number of bullets it is designed to contain. Additionally, it is believed the Governor will sign laws that require universal background checks for firearms transfers, a requirement that transferees pay for the background checks and banning online certification for concealed-carry permits.

This action on the part of the Government of Colorado will most assuredly result in MagPul Industries as well as its suppliers and subcontractors moving from the state taking with them more than $80 Million in revenue and over 700 jobs. Additionally, The Outdoor Channel has sworn to leave Colorado if such legislation becomes law.

10 Responses to “Colorado Governor To Sign Controversial Magazine Ban On Wednesday”

  1. Jack says:

    Does this mean magpul has to stop production tomorrow? Or will law be in affect at a later date?

    • Haji says:

      Bear in mind this is a ban on magazines, just one of the many products MP makes. They’ve stated in press releases that they’ll be up and running making magazines elsewhere in about 30 days. They don’t have to move all of what they’re doing, and have stated that they intend to leave a small shop in CO as a reminder come election time.

  2. dude says:

    It also applies to shotguns with a magazine greater than 5 rounds, and all magazines that can be “easily converted” to shoot more than specified. So any semi-auto or pump shotgun besides a Saiga is effectively banned. I cannot think of any with a magazine <6 that can't take an extension to bring it to 7 or 8 shells.

  3. Jorge C. says:

    The road to hell is paved with good intentions….

  4. Kris says:

    @Jack, the law would become effective 01 July 2013. Magpul still has plenty of time to produce magazines in Colorado, but I would imagine that there intent would be to move and establish magazine production elsewhere as quickly as possible.

    @dude, the shotgun portion of the bill was amended to a length restriction of the tube instead of a specific shell count. The idea is that this would keep otherwise banned shotguns, still legal for the normal citizen to continue to own.

    With all that being said, I am, “for now” a resident of Colorado and not a very happy one at that. I used to live in Hawaii and the legislation there is some of the strictest in the nation. I was excited to be in Colorado, that for the most part was free. Its a shame that Colorado has become leverage for other social agenda and in turn is helping the landslide of the deterioration of our rights. I can only hope and pray that this state and our country can come to its senses and realize that more law and restrictions on the average law-abiding citizen, is not going to keep us safe.

    Pot smokers and cannabis clubs are perfectly fine in Colorado, but not the right of the American/Colorado citizen to own a magazine for his firearm to defend his home and family.

    God help us.

    • Sgt B says:

      I completely agree. I moved to CO a year ago and was somewhat excited. Now I’m shaking my head and wondering what the hell is happening. For the most part, people in CO do not support the bills being passed. Even the County Sheriffs don’t approve of such laws.

      Their logic is flawed and they don’t listen to anything rational. Look at how they handle sex offenders, they’re pretty much free to roam around after serving 1 years time. They have more faith in those that would do harm to children then those who have a weapon for self defense.

      It’ll be hard to enforce them, and it’ll be hell to try and take them away from people. You can count on them (Dems) not being in office if what I hear is true.

  5. Frankenear says:

    I used to look to Colorado as the last state of the Old West. Now, it’s just another Chicago wannabe. Oh well. Good to know Colorado’s true colors now.

    Someday I will take my family to see the beauty of the Rocky Mountains. Now it looks like Colorado won’t even make the long list.

  6. Jack says:

    @kris. Thank you for the response.

  7. SGT Rock says:

    Governor Hickenlooper has been bought out by Sen. Feinstein and the rest of the liberal lunatics with their anti-gun agenda. Residents of Colorado should start a recall campaign now and get his ass out of office.