
Alan Gottlieb Speaks About His Role in The Manchin-Toomey Background Checks Bill

Alan Gottlieb of the Second Amendment Foundation discusses his role in helping to craft the Manchin-Toomey Background Checks legislation currently in the Senate.

This speech was recorded at a Portland, Oregon golf club Friday as Gottlieb spoke to a group of supporters by Daylight Disinfectant’s Dan Sandini. As I have yet to see the actual bill, I can’t wait to see what’s in this thing.

Hat tip to Predator Blog


5 Responses to “Alan Gottlieb Speaks About His Role in The Manchin-Toomey Background Checks Bill”

  1. John says:

    Removed by user . . . .

    • SSD says:

      Yeah, not sure why. He went on saying how there were going to be all kinds of great things for gun owners in the legislation, including a reinstatement of 2AM rights for those convicted of white collar crimes.

      According to the video, Gottlieb said that there were penalties in the legislation for those who used background checks for registration purposes and that the checks would only cover gun show and Internet sales, not family or friend sales.

      He went on to claim that the bill would allow for purchase of pistols in all 50 states(?) as well as protections for Veterans diagnosed with PTSD.

      Several times he said that this would hit the main stream media by tomorrow at the earliest.

  2. jrexilius says:

    Interesting.. I’m interested as well.. As he is describing it it sounds like an OK bill.

  3. Average joe says:

    Have to read the bill before passing total judgement. We shall see if it is indeed a pro gun bill.

  4. SShink says:

    Read it, like it, hate it…you’re wasting your time reading and your breath talking about it. If they want something, they just pass it whether or not the people like it (odummacare is proof). If there is too much opposition vote, they buy those votes with $ or threats. We are done.