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Daniel Defense and Military Warrior Support Foundation Give Away Home at NRA 2013

With the 142nd NRA Annual Meetings & Exhibits underway, Daniel Defense recognizes the sacrifices made by the men and women of the United States Armed Forces. Their continued efforts protect the way of life enjoyed by Americans throughout the generations. This year, Daniel Defense was honored to present a combat veteran and his family with the gift of a mortgage-free home. “I am amazed by the bravery these soldiers demonstrate in the field,” says Marty Daniel, President and CEO of Daniel Defense. “We can’t thank them enough for their sacrifice.”

Through the Military Warriors Support Foundation, Daniel Defense learned of a Soldier, awarded three Purple Hearts during his time of service. SFC Jonathan David Langford sustained multiple injuries during two deployments, including a blast concussion, broken ribs, shrapnel and traumatic brain injury. “What we want to provide is hope for these warriors and their families,” explains Josh Kinser of Military Warrior Support Foundation. “By partnering with great, patriotic companies like Daniel Defense, we are able to put these heroes in a mortgage-free home and help them transition to a successful civilian life.”


The donation was a complete surprise to the Langfords. Daniel Defense gave away a rifle on Saturday afternoon. A crowd gathered around the Booth (#2111) where SFC Jonathan Langford and family were invited to draw the winning name. Immediately following the announcement, attendees were asked to remain for a special announcement. It was there, Mr. Langford and his wife were told they were the recipients of a home located in the Florida town where they would settle after leaving the service.

The surprises did not end there. Working in conjunction with Texas Trophy Hunters Association and Trophy Hunters TV, the Langford’s were also elated to learn of an opportunity to hunt during the filming of a TV show.

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One Response to “Daniel Defense and Military Warrior Support Foundation Give Away Home at NRA 2013”

  1. james says:

    Fantastic! we can not thank those that serve enough… and this is a great start! congrats on your new digs… and thank you, Daniel Defence and everyone else who worked to make this happen…

    This should be what makes the headlines on the national news!