FirstSpear TV

Uncle Sam Needs You!


Thanks Stan Lee! And thanks Boy Scouts of America for reminding us to keep an eye on one another throughout this summer. The message is just as valid today as it was in 1958.


4 Responses to “Uncle Sam Needs You!”

  1. KP says:

    Sometimes I feel like the more valid message tells kids to explore the forests and see animals, to go out to swim, to get not drown in front of the TV screen because they’re an important natural resource to let waste.

  2. Rob says:

    I’ll be sharing this with the boys before our hike on Thursday…good one!

  3. Ash says:

    And Stan “The Man” Lee gets credit for art direction… Before the Avengers saved the world, the Scouts were saving kids who swam out too far!

  4. james says:

    Amen! Stands true today! My poor son endoured hundres of hours in the garage while we restored an old jeep… the pride and joy on his face the first day he drove it… priceless! Get some dirt under your finger nails… put down the game conroler, turn off the computer and go out side and do some thing… anything!