
Into The Breach

Our friends at Crye Precision (with a little help from Dillon Aero and a few others) produced this tribute to those who stand watch over us this Memorial Day.


20 Responses to “Into The Breach”

  1. Indebted says:

    Bad ass, thank you!

  2. Raymond says:

    Jason Fegler
    Iraq, OIF 05-06
    Semper Fi Brother

  3. Padawan says:

    Incredible video. (I have the music looping in the background… ) A pertinent reminder that “freedom isn’t free.” My thanks to all that make the sacrifice.

  4. ODG says:

    Well done Caleb, well done.

  5. Case says:

    I truly believe that I could write something profound after watching this, however I have chosen to leave y’all with this. God bless our Gold Stars and pray for them out loud, or to your self (if you must). They are the legacy of our brothers in arms.
    Though I am sad, I shall celebrate. Put it in the wind and let it eat.

    Ole case

  6. High quality and much respect.


    Have a good one,

  7. Toby says:

    Truly profound; the cinematography, the music, every element comes together to make something incredible. There’s an honest sense of respect and gratitude and it really comes across. Great piece of film.

    Freedom isn’t free without the men and women who endeavour to make it so. We must remember those who serve, and most of all those who make the ultimate sacrifice, for these are the people to whom we are indebted.
    Today we remember these people. We remember their service to us, we remember those we have lost, and we remember those who are still serving us.
    Memorial Day is not just a day of sadness for those who sacrificed themselves so that others may live, but also a day of happiness and pride in those same men and women, for without them we could not live as we do now.

    The tumult and the shouting dies—
    The Captains and the Kings depart—
    Still stands Thine ancient sacrifice,
    An humble and a contrite heart.
    Lord God of Hosts, be with us yet,
    Lest we forget—lest we forget!

    From ‘Recessional’ by Rudyard Kipling

  8. Mayflower Research & Consulting says:

    Excellent production to make you think of the reason we have the things we do. Thank you Crye for making it and thank you to all have served and to all who made the ultimate sacrifice.


  9. David Sanders says:

    Very Nicely Done!!! To the unspoken heroes that protect our freedom everyday, THANK YOU!

  10. skinner says:

    Some parts of the clip shot through NV very much resembled the final scene of Zero Dark Thirty movie.

    • Chris says:

      Are you insinuating something?

      Great job Caleb, Gregg, Brad et al. Thank you for honoring our heroes.

  11. Nice piece of work Crye and Dillon crew… –Juggernaut Defense

  12. UnityTactical says:

    Beautiful. Very well done. Thank you to all those that serve.

  13. bulldog76 says:

    lest we forget

  14. mArc' says:

    Outstanding work Crye, well done!

  15. Jimbo says:

    Awesome tribute!!!

  16. Evans20000 says:

    Lest we Forget

    From Australia we remember

  17. Duke says:

    Thanks also to the Joes and Sailors who service the birds, maintain the guns, fuel the planes, load the ammo pallets, man the door guns, drive, navigate, make the chow, sit in a room and tell the truth to the manufacturers, re-barrel the Good News givers, DX another marriage, miss another birthday, are absent for another anniversary, are absent for a birth, forgo comfort, put sights on the hog legs, pack the chutes, make the coffee, watch the monitors, listen to the radio and keep the Internet on -as well as all the Bogeymen who deliver the Gas, burn the ammo, sharpen their hatchets, maintain their zero, keep their kit ready, sont cut corners, disdain easy, dont compromise the standard, pay in blood, focus on their front sight, smoothly press the trigger -or know when not to press, soak up damage, eat bullets for their mates, take their turn without hesitation, swing their stick, pay their wages, and keep their faith. Godspeed.