GORE-TEX Military Fabrics

Win a Limited Edition SSD 5th Anniversary Patch

Thanks to some quick work by Mil-Spec Monkey the Limited Edition SSD 5th Anniversary Patches are in! During 2013 we will be handing out 500 of these bad boys at various trade shows and events, but we know we won’t run into all of our readers that way so we are going to kick it off with a giveaway. Enter for your chance to win one of 50 patches.


To enter:

1. In the comments section of THIS article on SSD tell us what you’d like to see SSD do in the future. Only entries here are eligible to win.

2. Comments are open from now until 1600Z 31 May 2013.

3. Use any alias you want to post but be sure to use a valid email address since that’s how we’ll contact the winners.

4. 50 winners will be selected randomly from the comments we receive.

5. One entry per email address. We will delete entries that violate this policy.

6. Must be 18 to enter. Void where prohibited.

Remember, there are only 500 of these patches available in total.

225 Responses to “Win a Limited Edition SSD 5th Anniversary Patch”

  1. Tyree says:

    I’d like to see you do more write ups about your experience with the gear you feature.

    You do it occasionally, but I’d like to see more in that area. I frequently check out the gear you feature but a lot of it is so new there arn’t many reviews.

    It would help to get your experience since you probably get hands on with a lot of this stuff.

  2. SGT Rock says:

    How about possibly doing a dedicated SSD YouTube channel?

  3. Steve1622 says:

    More Equpimet geared towards LEO’s. I know this is “soldier” systems, but i take the info you provide on new gear and use it for law enfoecement.

  4. CamoReader says:

    SSD App?

  5. SARmedic118 says:

    I’d like to see more gear reviews also. Your experiences with the kit you’ve used whether it be good or bad.

  6. Michael says:

    Reader use section, get sent things, use em, write em up!

  7. Berdman says:

    maybe a bit more talk about gear from other counties? I like when I see a post about what’s going on in Canada’s military/LE 😀

    SSD is always on point that’s forsure! keep it up!

  8. Lasse says:

    Keep doing what you do! You are the Gear Guru aren’t you?

  9. Tim says:

    I’m biased, but I’d like to see more medical stuff. 🙂

  10. Trent wiltshire says:

    I would like to see reviews of hear that has been used in conflicts whether it be past or present by the men and women who used it.

  11. Skip57 says:

    Great site. I’d like to see more comparisons between similar bags, pouches, clothing, etc. so I can make better decisions on gear I may purchase. Thanks

  12. rmysak says:

    More hands on reviews or videos of products would be cool!

  13. Mohican says:

    Just keep on providing info. Maybe a few more HotShots pictures/footage would be fine.

    On the other hand, video interviews in the Gunfighter Moment would be awesome.

  14. Alex says:

    Some of the private training facilities that do gov’t training contracts?

  15. Eric says:

    I would like to see more information on Gear, and new technology for the military and cross over for civillians.

  16. Randy says:

    YouTube channel for sure.

  17. MATBOCK_CEO says:

    A while back you mentioned the idea of a tactical kickstarter (WARNO?) and I would really like to see something like that. One idea to separate from Kickstarter is, People could submit their ideas and just like Kickstarter get other people to back their idea, but also allow companies to propose royality package for their idea. A lot of people have ideas for new gear / equipment, but don’t have the time to run a business or maybe they do. Either way this would give the person with the idea options and continue to push the innovation within the industry.

  18. Mick says:

    I’d like to see more hands-on gear reviews, either by members or yourself (send me some gear, I’ll test it!).

    I’d also like to see some reviews/AARs for some of the commercial tactical training courses that are out there.

  19. Bobby says:

    For the last 5 years I have enjoyed this website. Though I am not military and don’t understand everything on it I have always found that you publish many ideas and concepts on gear that definitely cross over into the Civilian world.
    I would love to see some more of that kind of stuff. Crossover things like packs or medical equip or simply boots. One of the ways that us Backpackers rate gear is by weight. I know that in the military durability is the most important, but weight still definitely matters. So when you post stats about gear include the weight if they give you that info.
    Overall I really enjoy the path SSD is on right now. There have been some major changes/challenges this country has faced internally that it hasn’t faced in a long time and you treated them with respect. If readers get mad at what you say, who cares? They don’t pay to get all of these great nuggets of info from you. I have found that you have stayed true to your main cause…. Gear… and that is why when I pop up my browser you are in my top 3: Yahoo news, Facebook, Soldiersystems.net. Call me a brown noser or whatever… But i geek out on most of the gear you write about. Because unless you are a vender, SSD is one of the best ways to stay in the loop.
    PS In Commie countries (ie Vietnam) SSD was the only of my top three that was “allowed” through their blocked sights. Freakin’ Commies

  20. Jeff says:

    gear reviews and I agree with eric on more info on cross over gear for civilians as well.

    I would also like to see gear for folks on a budget.

  21. Chris says:

    I would like to see a return of the SSD smartphone app. Also I would like to see videos from the popular firearms and tactics trainers using gear and weapons featured on SSD. Gear is great but training is invaluable. Rangers Lead the Way!

  22. jholgate83 says:

    Maybe have the ability to purchase certain products on your site? Not much more its already super helpful.

  23. ReconRunner says:

    Gear/Technique Debate:

    There are tons of peices of equipment or shooting techniques that are either the “best thing ever” or “the worst POS/technique ever made.” It would be great to post opposing views in an article from a pro(Larry Vickers, Pat Pat McNamara,etc) or even educated readers and then let the readers weigh in on the gear/technique.

  24. Thor H. says:

    I am loving the build up to the release of the new Army Camo style. I would love to see more comparisons between different styles and their effectiveness. Also, maybe expand the subjects you talk about, a little more into active duty life and things/offering that directly effect the active duty soldier.

  25. Giovani says:

    I for one would like to see more in depth “experience” reviews, like Tacfanboy’s Haley Strategic experience.

  26. Jason C. says:

    Iwould like to see and Iphone app as well, also would like to see a weekly column or two from some ‘experts’ in their field be it on gear, medical, or other techniques.

  27. bob says:

    I would like to see interviews some more folks in the industry. Especially some of the smaller companies, or companies really pushing the edge of the technology these days (BFG and First Spear come to mind immediately). I love the gear, but I also love learning how these companies take a requirement and turn it into a badass piece of kit.

  28. Froggy says:

    Don’t change a thing.
    Keep up the good work
    Its refreshing

  29. DV says:

    More quality articles, honestly just keep up the good work… SSD is part of my morning exp. every day.

    (and any news involving “moral gear” is always enjoyed and appreciated.)

  30. jma78 says:

    Another vote for gear reviews; reviews where you put the gear through a test and report if it works or not and if it does, why? But this is a great blog even without reviews, i make sure to check this out daily.

    By the way; If you make 500 of those patches and give away 50 as prices, then what happens to the rest? I mean, i never win anything, so now that i´m not going to win one anyway, please point me to a direction where to buy one.


    • SSD says:

      They won’t be for sale unless someone tries to make a $1.20 on eBay. We will pass them out at various tradeshows and events over the rest of the year. A few more might show up in a contest or two.

      We will be handing out some of the patches at this weekend’s Blade Show in Atlanta.

  31. Mike G says:

    Just keep doing what you are doing. You’re doing it right!!!

  32. DB says:

    I want a patch, they look great.

  33. Nick The Brit says:

    I love seeing what the guys currently deployed are using. It gives us a chance to impliment new TTPs priot to going over.

  34. JB says:

    More pics of gear thats posted. Perhaps a better breakdown on gear thats posted. It’s hard to tell sometimes the size/deminisions of some packs…etc.

  35. Angry Mike says:

    Use your access and placement to help us build a more grass-roots effort to lighten “The Soldiers Load”.
    This has been something the SOF community has been battling for at least the last 40 years. I remember reading Infantry magazine in Vicenza in the 80’s (yea way back then) about the soldiers load and how it was growing.
    Now-a-days its even heavier with more “light-weight” gear.
    Let’s use our combined talents across the industry and SOF community to slow the increase in weight. Got a big alice pack, I’m-a-gonna fill it up.
    Just my .02 cents.

  36. jealbr says:

    Didn’t know there was an app, so definitely an app that compatible with both iPhone and iPad. Would love to have it.

  37. Redlettuce says:

    Good site.

    Want Patch.

    ‘Nuff Said.

  38. jab says:

    Guest editors/authors. Possible other folks contributing by offering up gear reviews or other articles related to the site.

  39. DA says:

    It may get away from the gear and industry updates, but how ’bout updates on what is going on IN the military (weekly or monthly updates). Where our troops are, and what they are doing. How the System of Soldiers is running.

  40. Ed P. says:

    Def. would like to see a Youtube channel/gear review!!

  41. Chris Richardson says:

    I would like to see yall evaluate the gear via a youtube or related media

  42. Trevor says:

    I would like to see more in depth gear comparisons.

  43. Charlie says:

    I think it would be interesting if you featured a reader once per week, showcasing what they do for a living and how they set up their kit/carbine.

    Love the site keep it coming!

    13B, MA ANG

  44. George says:

    What we use now compared to what they used then

  45. Spencer S. says:

    I think that it is nice to have a friendly contest to get ideas on how to be better, and offer something unique like this patch. more people should do this. i like alot of what i read here daily. i think you guys should do some tactical videos that would be easy for a non military guy to do/get. like on youtube or something

  46. Chuch says:

    You always run a tight ship and through hard work are building your base to the site. How about an forum section broken down into general, gear reviews, classifieds etc to become the premier tactical go to hang out. Each piece of gear you review could be logged for reviews within the community?

  47. Andrew R says:

    YouTube channel would be great. Gear comparisons (e.g. after one year, two years of heavy use) would also be helpful in deciding which kit to choose.

  48. cdmiller says:

    Just keep up the awesome job you have been doing. (But I would like more crossover gear reviews.)

  49. Max says:

    I’d love to see more weapons-related posts.

  50. Padawan says:

    SSD is doing it right all along! If I have to suggest something, more product reviews and training AARs would be interesting.