GORE-TEX Military Fabrics

Win a Limited Edition SSD 5th Anniversary Patch

Thanks to some quick work by Mil-Spec Monkey the Limited Edition SSD 5th Anniversary Patches are in! During 2013 we will be handing out 500 of these bad boys at various trade shows and events, but we know we won’t run into all of our readers that way so we are going to kick it off with a giveaway. Enter for your chance to win one of 50 patches.


To enter:

1. In the comments section of THIS article on SSD tell us what you’d like to see SSD do in the future. Only entries here are eligible to win.

2. Comments are open from now until 1600Z 31 May 2013.

3. Use any alias you want to post but be sure to use a valid email address since that’s how we’ll contact the winners.

4. 50 winners will be selected randomly from the comments we receive.

5. One entry per email address. We will delete entries that violate this policy.

6. Must be 18 to enter. Void where prohibited.

Remember, there are only 500 of these patches available in total.

225 Responses to “Win a Limited Edition SSD 5th Anniversary Patch”

  1. c0yote says:

    I’d like to see a revisit article theme.

    “Hey, remember that thing we told you about a year ago? Here’s how well it’s been working in the field, good product/company, aye?”

  2. PapaBear says:

    I would like to see more in depth article about mindset, problem-solving, tactics and strategy.

  3. Shawn says:

    Solider Systems app!!

  4. Guff says:

    1) Detailed reviews on more of the gear you feature. You tend to get early hands on access to the gear. We’d love to hear about it from you.

    2) A youtube channel that you post nice high quality concise reviews and stories on. We can find youtube videos for some of the gear but they are usually long rambling and/or of poor quality.

    3) The occasional soldier bio/cameo. Wounded warriors and such.

    Yours really is an already enjoyable site.

  5. Agentofwrath says:

    +1 Android app. Thanks

  6. Flim says:

    I’d love to see more kit reviews.

  7. Robert L says:

    I am going to echo what a lot of others have been saying here and go with the Youtube channel.
    Also, long term, multi-part reviews whould be great. I can understand that these would be hard to do but something along the lines of “We just got X piece of kit and are trying it out” and then pop in every so often and just give a quick update on how the gear is holding up.
    Other then that keep up the good work, here’s to another 5 years of SSD.

  8. NorthCountry says:

    I would like to see more video and write-up reviews of gear as well, otherwise keep up the good work.

  9. cy says:

    Keep doing what you do! If I were to add any thing it would be SSD app. for android and Iphones.

  10. gnslinger says:

    SSD App would be nice. Keep up the good work!

  11. dwparker82 says:

    Keep up the good work — this is a highly informative page, one of my “must reads” everyday!

  12. Philip says:

    I second (or fifth maybe, didn’t ready every comment) the idea of a mobile SSD app. I can’t always be on my computer, but I love to stay in the loop on the stories SSD posts!

    • MATBOCK_CEO says:

      There was an app a few years back, but the easiest way is to save his page to your homescreen. This builds an icon on your iphone. When you click on the icon SSD opens in the browser. The nice thing is that his site is sized perfect for mobile devices and you can see all the videos. The iphone app wouldn’t allow videos (at least not for me).

  13. AC says:

    We’d all love to see an iPhone app!

  14. ZShooter says:

    I would like to see you do an article comparing all leading camouflages in various environments, many camouflage patterns are never even considered even though they are superior in a certain environment.

  15. Kyle C. says:

    I like the posting of ADS videos and in depth coverage of new innovating products. Honestly what you guys are doing keeps me coming back everyday to see what is new and going on. You cover everything to industry updates, politics, and new products. Keep of the great work. I know one reader mentions the Iphone App. There was one at a time but perhaps bring that back for us.

  16. Henrik P says:

    I would really love it if you tried doing a youtube channel where you did gear reviews and maybe a summary of your news in a podcast type format.

    Love your stuff, keep it up!

  17. ARide4ever says:

    Id like to see more in the field articles, real world use of some of the kit.

  18. Craig says:

    Bump on the App – wasn’t there one at one time?

  19. Doug Joyner says:

    I would love to see more reviews, I can’t get enough.

  20. JacobT says:

    Keep posting more gear reviews. Like what the rest say, a youtube channel with video reviews, news, plus odds and ends you can’t accurately depict with pictures and the written word is a pretty good idea.

    Aside from that, maybe you can cover more on the tactical product development process. This might be helpful for potential innovators and inventors out there that are trying to realize their ideas, but don’t exactly know where to start.

  21. Nic says:

    I think you do more than enough. Just keep up the good work and I hope to bump into you soon to score a patch.

  22. Stippy says:

    I would like to see what limitations certain kits have, which types of real world combat situations do they excel at, and don’t, types of climates they work best in as well. All in a nice package, perhaps even on an app as some have been suggesting and videos.

    I would like this primarily to apply to gear (such as packs, clothing and such), rather than weapons, which also would be nice to see. I would just like to read about gear that applies to a real situation, rather than one we may never experience.

  23. John B says:

    An Android app would be great. Thanks for the great site.

  24. thisiscoty says:

    I’d like to see SSD products sold on SSD.

  25. Scott says:

    I would like to see an article on the ongoing fight to prevent active duty/veteran suicides and how to donate to such charities.

  26. Greg says:

    I’d love to see more training course reviews and field reviews of the gear you feature. You definitely have an inside track on a lot of cool things, T&E them for the readers.

  27. Sean says:

    A SSD app for Android would be awesome! As far as an article topic, though, maybe some more coverage on TCCC training opprotunities and related gear that can be carried in a bag or car trunk for emergency situations (e.g.: Boston marathom, accident, etc.)

  28. DB says:

    Knives and edged tools

  29. MadMonkey572 says:

    Keep doing what you’re doing, this is one of my daily reads and it’s great.

    I’d like to see an “instructional” post every now and then though, perhaps some simple skill that is easy to learn but most people don’t know it.

  30. TM says:

    I’d like to see some AAR’s of new and/or up-and-coming shooting instructors.

  31. EeppiN says:

    Once we know what the new camouflage for US ARMY is I’d like to see a article series that digs deep into the reasons and features of this new camouflage. I know you can do it! 🙂

  32. Golu says:

    I would like to see more news about flashlights, knives and edc stuff.

  33. Doc says:

    Just keep doing what you guys are doing!

  34. so_louie says:

    An iOS app (and android). i could use a rss app but i don’t like the format. Plus SSD is the best.

  35. kAYA says:

    Please make more videos! I love your YT-channel but there’s too little activity.

  36. TJJ says:

    I really enjoy the SSD site and I concur with many other on an iPhone app.

  37. tom says:

    Update of US / int’l effort for soldier system (I’m talking about big soldier system). SSD does awesome job on individual sub-system level, and would love to read about the bigger picture from SSD perspective.

  38. deadcat says:

    I would like to see a sister site covering armored vehicles and the various subsystems integral to them.

    OH, and an Android app.

  39. Average joe says:

    You guys rock, but some more kit reviews would be cool.

  40. Ben says:

    I’d like to see some articles looking at past and present accomplishments of various military groups (green berets, SEALs, rangers, special forces, air force, etc.). Gear reviews would be cool as well (maybe even a user submitted section for feedback from people testing such gear “in the field”).

  41. Glen Hannaman says:

    I always wondered what happens to the gear that gets reviewed. I would like to see it given to fans of the page or sent to random soldiers in the field.

  42. Stone06 says:

    I think it would be great to see more articles on DIY gear hacks. With the draw down and new camo’s coming out I think there will be a lot of surplus gear hitting the market. Also a lot of vets have old gear that could just be tweaked to accommodate their sporting and outdoor lives.

  43. james says:

    Keep up the great work… the information you share with the community is invaluble!

  44. MannyF says:

    I’d liek to see more equipment and gear reviews from other countries.

  45. Steins says:

    Telling SSD what I would like to see in the future is a difficult question. They already cover so many different areas that I really enjoy. Soldier Systems is kind of the bench mark for other Blogs.

    I would like to see more video content. I really enjoy the competitive shooting videos from 3-gun that SSD posts regularly. They also post links to other great reviews on their page. I am thinking more of a dedicated representative or several people who review gear exclusively for SSD.

    Thanks SSD for the great knowledge you share each day!

  46. m.j. says:

    I think you do a great job of hitting a wide variety of topics. Maybe some more articles on developments concerning mounted (armor/aircrew) uniforms and equipment? More stuff on the Australian and New Zealand forces? Keep up the great work!

  47. Haji says:

    I’d like SSD to buy me lunch.

  48. Mike says:

    An android app, and some reviews of gear in the field. Tabletop fashion shows are fine, but I want to see how gear holds in use.

  49. Claudandus says:

    You’re doing a great job!!! Day for day! Keep going on, your on the right way!

  50. Regular Guy says:

    Continue with what you’re doing since this is a daily visit for most of us. Improvement? Have an IOS/Android app. It’s a win/win.
