GORE-TEX Military Fabrics

SFAMOS Senior Mountaineering Course


These are photos of students attending the he Special Forces Advanced Mountain Operations School (SFAMOS) Senior Mountaineering Course 001-13 during their final field exercise. After a 6 mile approach to establish a Mission Support Site (MSS) the students left out early the next morning to conduct mountaineering operations in the Sangre de Cristo Mountain range of Colorado. Little Bear Peak was the first mountain tackled and required movement over 4th class and snow covered terrain. From the summit of Little bear (14,037ft) students moved across a 1 mile long 5th class ridge to taking 5hrs IOT to reach the peak of Blance Peak (14,345ft) from there students then moved to Ellingwood Point (14,042ft) and the conducted movement to their infiltration point. All in all it required 15hrs of continuous movement over strenuous terrain and at Altitude.

One Response to “SFAMOS Senior Mountaineering Course”

  1. Steve says:

    Berg heil!