Protact by Haartz

Winter Is Coming

All around the Pentagon they are saying, “Winter is coming” borrowing a catch phrase from the HBO series “Game of Thrones”. Just as in the series, it is meant as a warning that bad days are coming.


If you thought FY2013 was fun thanks to Sequestration, then you will love FY2014. DoD is facing a $52 Billion (yes, with a B) shortfall. It didn’t hurt enough this year substantially because the folks at DoD made it work. Consequently, Congress isn’t going to fix it. But next year? It’s going to be extra special. Prepare accordingly. When the military asks you to develop a capability using IRAD ask to see the acquisition strategy. Weigh your risk. Remember, Winter isn’t even here yet and already some companies have the flu.

11 Responses to “Winter Is Coming”

  1. Levesque says:

    Using IRAD to develop a capability for DOD without a clearly defined acquisition strategy (and the requirement being essentially non-funded)?

    Sounds like the SOCOM TALOS project.

  2. BP says:

    And that’s why a company, battalion, or brigade needs to make this their motto

  3. Mark says:

    Nice pentagon games reference

  4. Kaos-1 says:

    Meanwhile , the DHS is , buy buy buy,spend, spend, spend $$$$$$$$

  5. Will says:

    I’m not familar with the IRAD acronym.

    But with my familiarty with mil acronyms and the mil supply system over the years I summise that IRAD stands for:

    Infinitely Redundant Administrative Documation.

    Am I close?

  6. bulldog76 says:

    so no new army camo … :O

  7. SaulGoodman says:


  8. Ryan says:

    With defense spending getting slashed ( I am not sure if slashed is even the right word. More like quadruple amputated.) companies that relied on 98% of their business being government purchase might not weather the winter. Business’s that are running a rather lean and flexible business model with strong civilian purchases will fair somewhat better.

    I do feel that ITAR restrictions hamper some companies more then others though. Its something that needs to be looked at because some of the things that have fallen under ITAR are a bit silly like the Boyds Tacticool Savage MK II stock.

    It will certainly be interesting to see what companies do to survive the impending multi year storm though. Who will keep warm through the winter and who will be found frozen under the snow and ice when everything melts.