
TacApps – TACNAV Now Available For Android

Jonathon Springer, creator of the popular Tactical NAV app informed me that it is now available for Android. Look for it on Google Play.


-Military quality GPS tactical navigation system
-WGS 84 standard
-1:50,000 map scale overlay (1km by 1km gridsquares)
-Waypoint plotting functionality
-Fully editable waypoints
-Location and waypoint sharing via email with other users
-Compass lock function with fast user switching between degrees, Mils, elevation, latitude/ longitude, and MGRS coordinate data
-Camera mode with heads-up data displayed in real-time with photo stamping ability
-One-button night mode function
-“Go to Grid” option

20130917-221059.jpg or

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9 Responses to “TacApps – TACNAV Now Available For Android”

  1. JC says:

    Call me slow, but without a WAAS based GPS receiver, how is an iPhone device supposed to pull down signal and navigate via this app, in the Korengal, to the degree of accuracy required to employ fire support?

    • Scott says:

      I have never used this app so I can’t attest to the utility of it, but but I know there are plug in GPS receivers for iPods/iPads that make some other map apps pretty handy to use.

    • Glen says:

      Ummm, just like every other GPS device would be my answer.

      WAAS is a matter of meters difference between normal GPS (think 20 meters …and generally much less in terms of it being more precise). Fire support making a difference for this–nope, best accuracy is MUCH larger than the EPE of “regular” GPS. If you are talking / discussing CAS, the talk on / PID makes this irrelevant when discussing Type I or Type II, and CCA? If Block 3 Apaches (AH-64Es) have arrived in country, it has been only been within the last 6-9 months. And those are the only 64s that have a “WAAS” enabled GPS. Everything has pretty close the same EPE as that iPhone (meters difference only depending on the receiver). FWIW.

      • Glen says:

        Oh yeah, while I’ve had Tactical Nav since it came out…Gaia is my favorite. The ability to download maps (free) for offline / no cell signal use makes it perfect for middle of no where USA or Afghanistan/pick your poison.

  2. Ipkiss says:

    Crashes when using the MGRS grid overlay on my Samsung S4. Still able to get coordinates though. Other than that, pretty neat.

    • Jonathan says:

      When you’re entering in the grid, make sure you input the coordinates without spaces. For example: 17SPU89907689.

  3. ian carlin says:

    Pretty late to the party

    . Locus pro, back county navigator does the same already.

    Blue force tracker/land warrior apps are already out the with Personal Eye and battletac. Both are not military grade but give an idea where things are headed. Just wait for Google glass to come out…

    Raytheon will do the same thing in 10 years but it’ll cost 40k per soldier.

  4. mike says:

    I was very hopeful and I’ve been waiting for this program for a long while. Uninstalled and refunded within minutes. With all of the free navigation, GPS status, and map-reading programs I have the only functionality I seemed to gain was the ability to make the screen red. Cool program if you’re not into downloading and trying every map/nav program in the world and trying them, but otherwise pretty underwhelmed. A simple “navigate to these coordinates” would improve this thing by leaps and bounds.

    • Jonathan says:


      It’s coming … sorry you were underwhelmed. We’ll try to improve things here shortly and push an update out soon.
