SureFire XC3

Til Valhall

If that doesn’t get your blood pumping, you’d better check your pulse.

14 Responses to “Til Valhall”

  1. Joe says:


  2. Dan says:

    That’s awesome…

  3. Liberalsux says:

    “Til Valhall! To Valhalla. Valhalla in Norse mythology is where the warriors go after they have died. It is the ultimate paradise for vikings.”

  4. bulldog76 says:

    badassery !!!!

  5. Rob says:

    Too bad they are not fighting for their country. Kill some goat herders for Valhalla. Yea

  6. Crawdad says:

    Awesome video….true warriors who seek out our nations enemies are a old and dying breed

  7. Jeg says:

    Yes…..but what does the fox say?

  8. Henrik says:

    I just get a yawn really and I am Scandinavian. 70 years ago in Norway this would not have been out of place but it kinda of feel wrong in this geographic setting.

    Norwegians special ops were legendary in WW2 but hunting down goat herders with home made bombs is not something one wants to be remembered for and nothing to brag about in the afterlife. “I killed poor people to spread social liberal democracy”.

    • Odie says:

      Any man who picks up a weapon, setting aside his own life and livelihood to pursue taking another man’s life, shall be dealt with accordingly.

      IF you didn’t understand that, I’ve never met a goat herder with a bomb, but I have met a few guys with bombs that had some goats.

  9. Weaver says:

    I served as a Liaison under that Colonel when he commanded Provincial Reconstruction Team 15 in Faryab Province, Afghanistan. Great leader – and, Henrik, they were doing far, far more than killing poor goat herders.

  10. m5 says:

    Yes, almost 70 years ago the Norwegians fought bravely for their(?) country in the legendary battles of Narva and Sinimäed (the Tannenberg line). The massive Soviet winter offensive was stopped against all odds by the Panzergrenadier Division Nordland, although they ultimately lost the war, of course.

    A tribute to the Norwegians in WWII: