TYR Tactical

Gunfighter Moment – Frank Proctor

Shooting in Kit

What’s up shooters! I’m gonna talk a bit about my thoughts on shooting in kit and kit in general. There’s a key word in the title and it’s the shooting part! If you are wearing kit as part of your job and you carry a gun I think you should set up the kit to allow you to shoot the gun the best way possible and do everything you need to do in the line of duty. Too many times I think dudes bulk up their kit way more than they need to. I’m a bit of a minimalist so I like less to give me more. In this case, less kit equals more mobility and therefore more offensive capability.

Here are some key areas for me on kit setup:

  • Have everything you truly need, but nothing you don’t
  • Firing side shoulder clear to mount the rifle
  • Firing side area clear to reach the pistol
  • Essential equipment (ammo, radio, tourniquet) reachable with both hands
  • Be able to go to a full squat without the plate choking you at the neck or waist
  • Be able to climb, buildings etc, without snag hazards on the front of your gear
  • I’ve recently been doing some of my YouTube videos in kit for 2 reasons. The first reason is just to demonstrate that kit doesn’t have to impede your ability to shoot and move well and for a fact it shouldn’t. If it does you should fix it I think. And that leads me to the second reason, Test your equipment and yourself. I recently got a new armor carrier so I’ve been testing it out and shooting in it to see how well it allows me to do what I need to do. So far it’s awesome. The kit is the MOAB from Rogue Gunfighter. It’s pretty cool, low profile and designed to fit many operational needs. It can go low profile or quickly add or take away more gear to it including a chest rig and back pack. Something I like about it is right out of the box is it’s ready to go. I can put everything I need in it with out having to weave one piece of MOLLE! The MOAB is super comfortable and handles weight well also. Another huge plus is I can shoot very comfortable in it with zero interference from the kit. In the week or so that I’ve had it I’ve shot some USPSA style stages in it, run CQB, did a one man break contact deal at my range 400 yards bounding back though my berms spaced about 50 yards apart and some other maneuverability exercises. It’s working great. I highly recommend everyone go out and run through some sort of stress event in new gear to validate the kit and the set up. If you identify a deficiency, it’s better to know up front and fix it.

    That’s all I’ve got for now for more info on the MOAB check out www.roguegunfighter.com.

    Also here’s a video of me yapping about it and shooting in it:

    And of course you can check out my website for more info on what I’m all about. Thanks y’all!

    -Frank Proctor


    Frank Proctor has served over 18 years in the military, the last 11 of those in US Army Special Forces. During his multiple combat tours in Afghanistan & Iraq he had the privilege to serve with and learn from many seasoned veteran Special Forces Operators so their combined years of knowledge and experience has helped him to become a better operator & instructor. While serving as an instructor at the Special Forces Advanced Urban Combat Course he was drawn to competitive shooting. He has since earned the USPSA Grand Master ranking in the Limited Division and Master ranking in the IDPA Stock Service Pistol division. He learned a great deal from shooting in competition and this has helped him to become to become a better tactical shooter. Frank is one of the few individuals able to bring the experiences of U.S. Army Special Forces, Competitive Shooting, and veteran Instructor to every class.

    All this experience combines to make Frank Proctor a well-rounded shooter and instructor capable of helping you to achieve your goal of becoming a better shooter.

    Gunfighter Moment is a weekly feature brought to you by Alias Training & Security Services. Each week Alias brings us a different Trainer and in turn they offer some words of wisdom.

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    13 Responses to “Gunfighter Moment – Frank Proctor

    1. Chris K. says:

      Thank you for mentioning radio on the list of things reachable with both hands. I always hated guys putting this important piece of gear on their back, unable to change channels or batteries without help.

    2. Doc_robalt says:

      He needs to talk to the Army and share his notes on how kit needs to be setup.

    3. Terry says:


      While I agree with what FP put out, you and I both know most big Army units would simply turn it into a one size fits all SOP. So everyone would look the same – and individual physiology, experience and duties would be largely ignored. I’ve seen it countless times in OIF and OEF.

      I personally prefer the methodology FP talks about in the second half of his piece, i.e. setting the gear up with the essentials, running some realistic drills, and then making adjustments as necessary.

      The only caution I would have is that new troopers don’t necessarily have enough experience to make educated choices without some help.

      Finally, truth in advertising time (as it relates to Chris K’s comment), I do run my radio on my back for a number of reasons. Not saying that is the “right way”. Just saying that it works for me.

      • seans says:

        Are you are capable of changing the channel or taking it in or out of your kit without outside help than it really isn’t a problem. But you or spot on the money with the big army going to one SOP. Its absolutely ridiculous how horrible they let their kits get.

        • Terry says:


          Changing channels yes. Getting it out, yes – but I admit it is a stretch. Putting it back in unassisted (assuming I can’t pull the plate carrier off for a minute), not quickly or very easily.

          I run it fairly low on my back-left (non-firing side, alongside hydration pouch) so I have to reach back to do those functions. Again, I’m not claiming it is a perfect solution nor am I necessarily advocating it for anyone else’s use. But I moved it back there after years of tinkering and experimenting and it was the best solution I’ve put together so far (for me).

          The fact is that, even though I’m not a small guy, there is only so much real estate towards the front of my vest. As FP mentioned, I also felt it was important to keep my left and right side as “clean” as possible to draw pistol (right side)and access ammo on first line belt (left side).

          I admit I carry considerably more on my rig than FP models in the video. 6 x M4 mags and 4 x pistol mags on front. Two frags (right front), strobe, fixed blade knife (left front) and two tourniquets.

          I started using a SOTECH Viper IFAK a couple of years ago on my back for the rest of my med kit because the big bulgy pouches on my non-firing side made it difficult to reach my first line stuff on that side. Not to mention that too much stuff on my flanks caused me to wiggly my way through doorways.

          In my case, that pushes the radio, smoke grenades and flashbangs, and anything else to the back. I know a lot of guys don’t see a need to carry a fixed blade anymore and some don’t even use a hydration carrier to “streamline” their profile. I’m not adamantly against that if it is am informed decision.

          Still, since I’m perhaps more “old school” than some, I get very concerned every time I see a youngster on a combat mission – or worse (IMO) junior NCOs and Officers without any water on their rigs. That never, ever seems prudent (to put it politely) to me.

          Bottom line, I fully concur with FP’s point that setting up your kit to enhance individual maneuverability provides important tactical “value added” in and of itself. But to work it has to be a individually tailored solution – not one size fits all.

          For what it is worth, that was / is my rational but I intend to always remain open to other TTPs and new ideas.

          • seans says:

            Why don’t you get a plate carrier that has a mbitr pouch inside the cumerbound next to the side plates. Lets you put your radio into a easy to access spot and you don’t waste any room. And why do you have 4 pistol mags. I run one 20 rounder in the gun, unless I am specifically doing CQC. Then I will have a spare. These days I don’t run anything on my front. Carry two mags on the side. With a grenade next to it. Everything else goes into my bag on my back.

            • Terry says:


              Reasonable questions. I have been using an HSGI Weesach for a number of years now and like it. Specifically, I like the simplicity – and, while not a cut-a-way design, it is easy to ditch if you end up in a canal or other body of water or just need to drop it for some reason.

              And I don’t use a cumberbund or side plates. My attempt to keep the load as light as possible (personal maneuverability) while keeping front and back plate protection as well as soft armor inserts.

              Reference the IMBITR, I have it connected to a wire antenna that Group Signal fabricated which is woven through my rear pals. Although I didn’t mention it in the earlier post, with that antenna, cable management worked considerably better with the radio on my back.

              When you say “bag on my back” are you referring to a daypack or a bag that is integrated with your vest? My hydration carrier has some pockets that work well for smokes and flashbangs but I try not to have it bulge out anymore than necessary.

              In 2003-4, I carried a lot more ammo; 12 M4 mags. It seemed necessary at the time. But over the years I have paired that down considerably.

              I have been lucky to have the option to carry a M1911 and therefore need a few more mags than you might with a 9mm. I don’t do that because of some esoteric reason, it is just that I have years of carry / shooting experience with the 45 and feel more comfortable with it on my hip.

              Even though I am carrying less ammo now that before. I have to admit I would be very uncomfortable with as few magazines as you are running.

              Just my 2 cents.

    4. seans says:

      Curious are you active duty or a contractor. Cause I am curious where you would be that allows you to carry a 1911 but you would still not have standalone plates. And what type of antenna did you have fabricated. I am the comms guy for my unit and have never heard or seen any fabricated 148 antennas before even with the other branches sof units.

      • Terry says:

        I was active duty SF – recently retired. The Groups had kept a handful of 1911s for training for years. 5th and later 10th got some 45s out of depot after 9/11 (the majority got the Frankenstein treatment with new sights, springs, barrels, etc). Unfortunately there was no money for sustainment so they are fewer and far between now.

        Most of the younger guys had been raised on the Beretta and were (relatively) comfortable with those for a time. As the money became available, SIGs and Glocks have been acquired as well. Nothing wrong with any of those choices IMO but as I said – I grew up with the 1911 and made the effort to keep carrying it.

        You are probably right that the last set or two of plates that I was issued were “stand alone”. I don’t recall. But the soft armor that I already had provided padding – and not much additional weight – so I left them in.

        I’m no Echo so all I can tell you is the comms guys mated an elbow connector with a wire ~6-7 ft long (I believe it was cut to a specific length but I’d have to pull it out to confirm. The wire was dull silver / gray color and had a clear plastic coat as I recall. I slipped on a gutted length of 550 cord to provide additional protection.

        I know it provided considerably more range then a whip antenna and worked like a charm. The SIGDET was passing them out with every radio in 2007-8. I think I have a spare in one of my tuff boxes. I’ll pull it out a see exactly how long it was and if there are any identifying numbers on the wire.

        • seans says:

          Def would appreciate that if you could tell me the length and type of wire used.

        • Terry says:

          The antenna was as I described it and is 86 ins long from the end of the connector to the tip. No markings or identifying numbers as far as I can see.

          • seans says:

            Thanks doesn’t leave me much but appreciate it. And for the record I carry more than two or three mags, just no need to carry 7 or 8 on the body. They rest of my gear just goes in to my assault bag. Unless I am QRF or was doing a DA in a really contested area, I rather be slick on the front.

            • Terry says:

              Sorry I can’t give you any better fidelity on the technical specs of the antenna.

              Got it on the ammo. It is up to you what you think is adequate for your needs / mission. I’m obviously more of a “belt and suspenders” type.

              And although I’ve never been in a gunfight where I was dangerously close to going dry on ammo, I have been in situations where I had to rely on only what I had on me and I was burning through my mags pretty fast.

              But everyone’s experience is different.