Protact by Haartz

For All You Guys Who Think It’s a Good Idea to Copy My T-shirts


Keep that in the back of your heads. And yeah, this one’s trademarked too. Coming soon….


25 Responses to “For All You Guys Who Think It’s a Good Idea to Copy My T-shirts”

  1. DA says:

    Figure out who those guys were???

  2. Ryan says:

    Can we get a keep calm and kill’em all?

  3. Greg says:

    Keep Calm and Squirrel On

  4. Mike says:

    Admin posted an article wanting to do something with then and then actually had the shirts printed well in advance of the cultural vomit that was the “Keep calm and X” nonsense that happened recently. He gets a pass and these are the only ones that are still cool.

  5. Will says:

    What I don’t get is the logo, is that an overhead view of man on man in a foxhole?
    Keep calm and don’t make any noise

  6. Will says:

    Ah, evolution of the soldier, not violation of the soldier, I see that now

  7. Wizard says:

    To hell with Keeping Calm. I’m Irish!

    BTW: Cool saying

  8. joe says:

    Wait, so SS did the “keep calm and…” before Chive did? Or was he copying them with different endings, then someone copied his verbatim?

  9. Mobious says:

    Can’t even find a copy of any of your Tees or patches over here, would love to get them introduced here (and I’ve been desperate for a patch too!)

  10. Keld says:

    Wouldnt it be nice if the distributor of said merchandise would accept international orders?

  11. Aaron says:

    Send me one!

  12. Tdotgrott says:

    Love the site. Tired of the hypebeast.

  13. Ilya says:

    Best “Keep Calm” ever! Quite refreshing, among all the cheesiness.
    If it is not to much trouble, please let me know when the T’s will be available.