
BreachBangClear – Buy A ‘Do You Even Liberty’ Shirt, Support The Brian Terry Foundation

Do You Even Liberty

Breach Bang Clear and Article 15 clothing has announced that they will be donating all profits from the sale of the ‘Do You Even Liberty’ t-shirts to the Brian Terry Foundation, courtesy of Trek’s Trek: 2000 Miles for the Brian Terry Foundation.

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3 Responses to “BreachBangClear – Buy A ‘Do You Even Liberty’ Shirt, Support The Brian Terry Foundation”

  1. Mike says:

    Trek is a damn fine fellow, and not a shabby artist either.

    I’ve made my donation to his undertaking. I hope he meets his goal.

  2. Jon, OPT says:

    BRO, do you even say do you even to other bros when you doubt if they even?

    Jon, OPT