RAAM GSS from Wilcox Ind

Tactical Distributors Has Launched A New Mobile Site

TD Mobile

Tactical Distributors has launched a new mobile-friendly site just in time for the Holidays. The site was developed by Warp 9, a company who specializes in mobile and digital commerce solutions, utilizing their own WarpMobile Magento solution which adds mobile website capability to any e-commerce store powered by Magento. This allowed TD a streamlined, easy to navigate mobile site without having to re-build their current desktop site. Additionally, TD will be better able to manage mobile specific promotions and sales campaigns. Given the wide adoption of mobile devices within the US, and the continued increase in sales made from mobile devices, this looks to be a solid addition to Tactical Distributors’ web offerings.


Hat tip: money.cnn.com/news/newsfeeds/articles/marketwire/1160367.htm


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