SIG SAUER - Never Settle

KCRF – You Never Know Where They’ll Show Up

KCRF Afghanistan

This time, one of our readers ‘J’ sent us a pic of their KCRF patch at Sata Kandaw Pass in Afghanistan. According to ‘J’: “The Pass is also known as the Gardez – Khost Pass, and is along the road linking Gardez City, Paktya Province, and Khost City, Khost Province.” Awesome stuff!

Keep the pictures coming!


4 Responses to “KCRF – You Never Know Where They’ll Show Up”

  1. Jawbone says:

    I haven’t seen that sign in almost 4 years. BTW this is the infamous pass that the mujahideen was able to provide steep resistance to the Russian forces.

  2. Jeremy says:

    Been there a few times…

  3. Tom says:

    Commonly known, to those who know as the KG Pass. Good photo location there!

  4. Bunker Boots says:

    Yep, that slipped my mind when I sent the email with the photo.
    Darn razor wire got in the way of getting a better angle, and it had started snowing just before.
    Happy New Year, everyone!