
ASA Seeks Support for Iowa Suppressor Legislation

We received this update on suppressor legislation in Iowa from the American Suppressor Association.


Iowa is well on its way to becoming the 40th state to legalize suppressor ownership, despite some hiccups in the legislative process. Since we last updated you, the bill numbers have changed several times as Iowa legislators fight over specifics, but the ASA is happy to inform you that last Wednesday, the House Judiciary Committee voted 19-2 to approve Senate File 427. This bill originated in the Senate, where it began as a stand-alone bill to legalize suppressor ownership. It passed the Senate 46-4, before moving to the House, where it was amended to include several additional pro-Second Amendment provisions.

SF 427 is now an omnibus bill that includes a “Shall Sign” provision, which would require Chief Law Enforcement Officers (CLEOs) in Iowa to sign suppressor applications within 30 days of receipt, unless the applicant is found to be a prohibited person. If passed, SF 427 would make Iowa the 40th state to allow private ownership of suppressors. Similar legislation has been introduced in Illinois, Minnesota, and Vermont this session.

The ASA is very excited about the prospects of this bill becoming law, but there is still work to do before we can declare victory. We need your help to push this effort past the finish line! Using this link, please identify, call, and email your legislators and politely urge them to support SF 427.

Find your legislator here:

With your help, we will get this legislation to Governor Branstad’s desk and legalize suppressor ownership for 3 million Iowans.


2 Responses to “ASA Seeks Support for Iowa Suppressor Legislation”

  1. blehtastic says:

    I get that the ASA is only worried about suppressors, but does this also cover SBRs and SBSs?

  2. MEDIC! says:

    Yes! Have been covering this bill for some time and finally got some good news. Having the ability to use a can will greatly reduce the noise produced on the range. One of the most frequently used comments when I would ask people if they supported the use of suppressors in the state, people often stated that “’s a risk to the population and that it would virtually make weapons un-heard.” Giving them a lesson in suppressors, usually changed their idea of the bill, but not all. Still a win for Iowa.