AT Series by 5.11 Tactical

Thirty Seconds Out And Spikes K9 Fund – “Commute” Spray Art Piece


Evan of Thirty Seconds Out and Jimmy Hatch of Spikes K9 Fund have partnered up to produce this limited edition spray art piece. Dubbed “Commute”, the piece depicts Jimmy with Spike, his K9, and the rest of their crew in the side door of an MH60 Blackhawk helicopter during operations. It is done on Pro Gallery Canvas with a heavy duty wood frame, measuring 1.5″ X 18″ X 24″. 50% of all profits from the sale of the piece will go to benefit Spikes K9 Fund.

Learn more about Spikes K9 Fund at

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6 Responses to “Thirty Seconds Out And Spikes K9 Fund – “Commute” Spray Art Piece”

  1. Jimbo says:

    I would love to see this on a future shirt as well. Awesomeness. God bless our Warriors and their K9 partners.

    • Evan says:

      Thanks Jimbo. Tshirts and stickers are in the works! We appreciate the support.

      • Mike D says:

        Looks great! I’d love to see a shirt too. Will the Tactigonia shirts be making a comeback?

        • Patrick says:

          as far as I’m aware, Thirty Seconds Out was contacted by Patagonia and asked to cease production of the Tactigonia shirts, and was given a cheque to purchase the remaining stock he had.

  2. Ex Coelis says:

    LOVE both of my “Kunar Valley Heliskiing” patches… Thanks Evan, keep up the GREAT work, Sir