RAAM GSS from Wilcox Ind

Make War, Not Art



14 Responses to “Make War, Not Art”

  1. ThatBlueFalcon says:

    Remember our Golden Rule: A thin napalm sticks to a thick kid.

  2. Jon, OPT says:

    Paint some happy mushroom clouds here…

    Jon, OPT

    • SShink says:

      …and for this one, we’re going to use our fan brush and pick up a little of the red ochre…

  3. The Hobbit says:

    Its a happy little t-shirt…

  4. Dellis says:

    When the oil based paint settles…….that dude could paint. He was the Mr. Rogers of artists!

    Great shirt

  5. TM says:

    Now, he paints only in red…

  6. Ash says:

    I’ll be the douche-nozzle here…
    Just like I imagine Chris Kyle would be raging in his grave if his image was used to promote Hillary Clinton’s presidential run (or some such thing), Mr. Ross would be EXTREMELY displeased to have his image used to promote conflict.

    Now the bashing-for-being-overly-sensitive can begin. Is the shirt funny? Kinda. Is it appropriate? Meh. So go ahead and bash while you think about shirts portraying Jesus as a pimpin’ gangsta’, or one of your boy Chris Kyle promoting Peace Through Internal Self Reflection.

    Wear a Che t-shirt or this one… Either way you’d just be demonstrating full-on Bro’ignorance for anyone looking at you.

  7. Mike Nomad says:

    I dunno how tweaked we would be… Before Bob became a Master Paint Slinger, he “enlisted in the United States Air Force at age 18 and went on to serve as a medical records technician. He eventually rose to the rank of master sergeant and served as the first sergeant of the U.S. Air Force Clinic at Eielson Air Force Base in Alaska.”

    So saith The Wiki.

  8. Fury says:

    His program used to air at 6:30 Am M-F. I remember to sometimes watching him before going to school. Between his voice and the sounds of his brush on the canvas, he darn near put me to sleep – very soothing. Nothing that a couple of bowls of Captain Crunch couldn’t fix right before getting on the school bus.